13. The staring contest

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The main song of this chapter is "Toxic" by Britney Spears


I fixed my composure and averted my eyes from her. My suit suddenly felt too tight. I exhaled and inhaled. Then focused my attention back to Ezra speaking, that man looked like he knew what he was doing, like he was absolutely certain of his action. He knew how much power possessed and he wasn't terrified to show it to everyone.

I don't know what came in me but I looked towards the crowd, searching for a certain face. There she was, only one word came in my mind for her...Beautiful. Her eyes were downcast, as if she was afraid to look up. As if she found courage, she looked up and her eyes met mine, time stopped and the voices around us faded to nothing. It was just me and her.

Her chocolaty brown eyes, staring into mine. The applause from the room, was enough for me to snap out of whatever it was.

'You shouldn't be thinking about her! Don't ruin your and her life  by going down that path. One which you know will not end well', I though glumly to myself.

My name was called and I took the mic from his hands, reciting the speech I prepared the night before, I thanked them and sat on my previous position. Ezra finished the introductions and came to sit next to me, the only vacant seat.

I looked at him, sitting straight with his face passive, showing no emotions whatsoever. His face was stoic and cold, many people would take him as reserved man but not me, No! I could see straight through his facade, he was just another man, trying to continue his father's legacy and keep up a prim proper reputation.

"Congratulations on getting the post", Said Ezra without even sparing me a glance,eyes trained on the room now getting empty, his voice just as cold as his deep blue icy eyes.

"Thank you", I replied dryly, not expecting him to start talking at all. It's not that I never talked to him before, I have. But that time he just asked me some questions and replied with 'okay' or 'good' during my interview.

"Although I knew that you would get it, seeing that the board members are all smitten by you....", I did not focus on him, instead my attention was now caught on my little fighter going out of the door, her body dodging people and going towards the door, suddenly she stopped and turned around, her gaze clashing through mine.

I know I should avert my eyes, that I should not look at her but fuck if my mind listens. Ezra stopped mid sentence, probably catching up to me not focusing on him and looked at where I was staring, if my girl was shocked before she was bewildered now. Her eyes bouncing between my and Ezra's face. 'Wait my girl? What the fuck?'.

I know that Ezra was good looking, hell probably the most wanted guy in this collage before I came, I knew that any women would find him attractive but that did not stop the surge of jealousy to course through me at the thought of Ezra looking at her.

For a few seconds, which felt like hours, the three of us were caught in some sort of staring contest, then the reality came crashing down, all of us looked away at almost same time, different thoughts going through our minds, but only one in my mind

'This shouldn't be happening'.


A few days have passed now. I introduced Heather to Aurora or Riri as she likes to call herself. Now it looks like Riri is part of our little group, forming a trio which consisted of me, Heather and Aurora. We all study and hang out together in our apartment, sometimes in the cafe which is just two blocks away from our house. .

The bruise on my ribs is still there, caused by my fall on the steps. It is staring to turn yellow and purple, even the slightest of tough caused pain to ripple through me. I have managed to hide it from them both, no matter what I don't want their pity, so I try to hide it as much as I can.

I don't wanna ruin it, cause I am happy living my life here. I have classes from 8 to 12 and then Coco and I got to work at 'La Belle', a clothing store owned by a sweet couple. We both finishes work at around 7:30 and the extra time was to complete our assignments or just chill with each other.

It was saturday and we were just watching a movie when Riri spoke up.

"Coco you should come to our Uni someday, our principal a the new science teacher is to die for", She dramatically rolled her eyes. This caught Coco's attention"Ohhhh...show me the photos gurl", Coco said, winking at us. I shook my head at their antics, deciding not to comment on this topic cause even the me ntion of their name causes thoughts to come in my mind, that no student should have about their teacher.

Riri took out her phone and went on google to take some photos, "Look here, aren't they just drop dead gorgeous?", she said with a squeal, her eyes shining as if she has seen her favourite toy.

"Damn, he is hot, they both are. I don't know about you both, but if I had their class I would be more focused staring at their face than on what they are teaching", We all laughed at this. The photos were a candid shots, but in one photo, the both were together, with two woman in their arms, jealousy burned through me though my face remained neutral.

"You have a boyfriend, Coco. Remember Aaron?", I asked, playfully squinting my eyes. Riri and I chuckled at this while Coco pouted and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah...but that does not mean I cannot appreciate hotness of other guys, right?", Coco asked uncertainly, while we shook our heads, causing her to groan out loud and us to laugh at her.

Later that night we ate and slept, I with only one thought in my mind, 'Who were those women?'

A/N. I ask this every time, and I am asking it again, How was the chapter? Comment your thoughts in comment box and like if you loved this chapter.

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