16. Eavesdropping is rude

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The main song of this chapter is "Collide" by Justine Skye.


I stood frozen in my place, while he was muttering about how I spoiled his shirt. When he looked up, his eyes met, clouded with anger and frustration. I cowered back in fear, I took one step back, he took one step closer.

"Next time watch where you are going Miss...?", he growled out.

"A-amelia sir", I stuttered out due to the fear. My eyes wide and cautious.

"Very well Amelia. You have two eyes, not buttons, learn how to use them", he shoved past my shoulders, deliberately colliding into me. I whimpered at that.  How can a beautiful man like him be so cold and detached? 'You spilled coffee on his shirt Leah. What did you expect? A thankyou?', I thought to myself 

 All the students had stopped doing what they were doing and paused to watch what was happening. My anxiety spiked, being in front of several watchful eyes does that to me. I wiped my eyes and ran in the direction of women's bathroom.

My feet were hitting the ground softly, as soon as I reached the bathroom, I opened one of the stalls and emptied my stomach inside the toilet. I coughed and vomited. My morning's breakfast went down the drain.

Cold sweat broke out on my skin, tears were now freely coming down my face. I sobbed and sobbed. Sounds of agony and crying were now coming out of my mouth. I don't care who heard me, all I wanted to do was go and curl up into a ball and stay in my bedroom.

Why did he have to contact me? Why can't he just let me be free? Would he find me again? 'no, no no....I can't go through torturous life all over again'. Just thinking about that made a fresh set of tears to flow. Another bile raised up my throat, I retched and retched, but nothing came out. My throat was now sore and my face and nose was puffy because of tears.

My eyes were bloodshot red at this point due to crying. I took a deep breath and swiped my face. Opening the stall, I peeked out to see if someone was there. After the coffee incident, I don't need another reason to be embarrassed.

When seeing that no one was there, I stepped out and turned on the tap. I splashed some water on my face, again and again. I looked at my face in the mirror, seeing a girl who was beyond broken. Who had messy past and uncertain future. Who was living in a constant fear. Who was hiding behind fake smiles and perfect facade.

I shook my head to get these negative thoughts out of my head. I wiped my face using the tissue and exited the bathroom. The halls were now vacant and my next class was after half an hour. I decided to go to the lawn to pass my time. 

The lawan was at the backside of the massive building. It was covered with vine and creepers. Different types of plants and flowers were planted there. I sat on the grass, my hand behind me, supporting my weight while, my legs were sprawled out. Rays of sun were falling on my face, leaving warmth and brightness.

I closed my eyes and basked in the moment of peace. I heard some voices coming out of the bush, my brows scrunched up in confusion. 

I strained my ear to hear bits and pieces of the conversation. "No mom, I am not interested in dating that entitled rich spoiled princess", I widened my eyes as I recognised the voice, it was undoubtedly Mr. Rizzo. 

"Yes, I will find someone soon.....do not take suggestions from those fancy wives in kitty party.....love you too...bye", he sighed and ended the call, putting his phone in the pocket of his trousers. I averted my eyes before he could catch me staring. 

Or not.

The moment I turned my head, his gaze clashed with mine, and I swear I saw his lips quirk up a little before his monotonous mask came back on his face. I quickly snapped my head to front, so quickly that I probably would have cracked my neck.

I heard the crunch of leaved beneath his shoes, his steps coming closer and closer.

"Eavesdropping is rude, you do realise that right?", I could hear the amusement in his voice but I was too ashamed to turn my head and see for it myself.

"I-I was not....I mean n-not....."ugh, I composed myself before speaking again not blubbering like a fish, "okay I am sorry for listening your private conversation, sir". I spoke remorsefully.

I could see in my peripheral vision that he nodded his head. He walked and stood next to my sitting figure. "I don't think we have properly met, I am Nicholas Rizzo. Your science teacher", he spoke again, his gaze fixed on the luscious green trees in the distance.

"I know sir, I am in your class. I am Amelia Blackwood sir", I said timidly, my eyes fixed on my lap.

He nodded again, his gaze still fixed on the distance. I took this as a chance to look at him properly, he was a very handsome man, possessing masculine and heavenly features. Wearing a white shirt with black tailored slacks, he was an epitome of elegance and attractiveness.

I looked up to his face only to see him already looking at me. The intensity in his eyes stunned me. His eyes were a beautiful shade of sage green, reminding you of the evergreen forest. The rays of sun reflected in his eyes, making them shine and sparkle, just like emerald. Precious and Alluring.

My eyes were stuck in his, feeling as if he was staring dep inside my soul. Neither of us breaking eye contact. The time stopped, the world blanked and sounds faded.

The vibration of my phone brought me out of his haze. I fumbled with my lock and opened my phone.

Unknown: My friends are looking for you Mia

All the colour drained out of my face. Tremors of fear crawled up inside me.

Why me?!

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