42. I don't like that guy

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The main song of this chapter is "Into your arms" by Witt Lowry. 

3rd person POV

She heard what he said, and she knew that one day it was bound to happen; him asking her out on a day, as he was given the impression to impress her from Aurora. What she could not fathom that why was he asking her out in front of those two.

If it had been sooner she would have said yes without pondering over it for so long, but now? She wanted to get as far away from him, much less go on a date with him. 

Ezra's fists and knuckles were white from how hard he was clenching it to prevent himself from strandling Victor's neck meanwhile Nicholas was calculating the years he would have to spend in prison for murdering someone and throwing their body in Mississippi. 

"Well you see.. umn- actually I have plan of movie with my friends", she gave a tight lipped smile to him.No doubt it was a terrible excuse, but it was all she could think of it at that moment. She expected some defeated expression from him, but not for him to smile even wider.

"I did not say when we have to go out", wicked thoughts started pondering over in his mind.

He started conjuring up images of her naked.

Her withering below him as he pounded into her.

How she would beg him to stop only for him to go more faster and harder.

"W-when?", she stuttered out. It did not go unnoticed by both the men who were ready to get up from their seats and kill that piece of shit.

"Tomorrow? Would that suit you?", Victor said sweetly while tilting his head to the side, arms crossed against his chest.

"My plans are tomorrow", another fake smile was passed from her.

"How about thursday? Please say yes", he said as he took a step closer. then another and another until he was in front of her.

Both the men straightened up in alarm, they were ready to pounce on him if any sign of distress was released from Mia.

"Give me some time to think victor. I haven't said yes yet", in all honesty she did not even want to. All she wanted was to get back in time and relive the moment with Ezra and Nicholas.

"Aww..then what's stopping you from saying yes?", he pouted and dropped on his knees in front of her.

She jerked back and stared at him wide eyes. What the hell was the doing? It was the only thought roaming in her mind.

"Mr. Dubois, I would suggest be a gentleman and leave the lady alone. She'll say yes when she has to", Ezra spoke in a stern manner, eyes not wavering from Victor. He wanted to say something much more offending and maybe even give him a warning to say the fuck away from her but could he? At least not yet. Not until he had claimed her as his own.

 They had claimed her as their own.

Victor tore his eyes from Amelia and looked over to the principal. His lips curled up in a silent snarl. Oh how he would wish to snatch his girl away from those two bastards and take her somewhere away from them. From his boss who was hell bent on making her his personal whore.

"I am nothing but gentle, Mr. Hernandez. I would never hurt her", he took her hand in his and pleaded her to say yes with his eyes.

"I will think about it. Now please, let me finish my session", she said as she politely snatched her hands from his grip and took her pen to start working on problems.

Nicholas was silently watching him. He was noticing each and every detail about this Victor guy who was dead set on taking Mia out on a date. He noticed that he was still on his knees staring at her like a creep even though she dismissed him politely of course, it was Amelia afterall.

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