21. Who was that guy?

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The main song of this chapter is "Attention" by Charlie Puth.


I could feel someone's hard stare penetrating on the side of my face, I turned my face towards the back side only to see that Mr. Rizzo and Mr. Hernandez had their attention totally on me.

Something fluttered in my stomach.Nervousness? Excitement? whatever it was, I wasn't too keen on finding it out.

From what I could see from here, they did not look pleasant, an expression of annoyance and anger was prominent on their face. Why though? They looked at Victor, then his hand holding mine and back to my face, not once wavering from there.

Even in this state, no one has managed to look as good looking and striking as them. They looked as if two gods were ready to unleash their wrath on the guilty.

I turned my face and attention in the conversation going on around our table, too anxious to turn around and look at them. Victor was not talking about where he grew up and how he grew up. I wanted to pay attention to him, to listen to him and talk with him, to get to know him more, but my stupid heart can't seem to comply with my brain.

It was like all of my thoughts were muddle up together, I couldn't pick out one and concentrate on it, the words jumbled together and then....everything went blank.

My mind empty.

My eyes foggy.

My mouth dry.

My palms sweaty.

All of a sudden I stood up from my chair, getting everyone's notice on me, I excused myself and went towards the bathroom. Not lingering around to hear their responses. I stumbled once or twice on my way to the bathroom.

I opened the door and went inside, it was empty. I turned on the faucet and splashed water on my face.




I took a deep breath in, and another out. I looked into the mirror, my reflection showed a girl with too many problems to handle, too many thoughts to sort out and no body to save.

'Why can't I be normal?'

I have to forget about them. Thinking about them will do me nothing good, but plenty of bad. They were taken, so no matter what I couldn't be a homewrecker. I know that I have done nothing, but my fuked up brain can't seem to understand the concept of forgetting about them and focusing on someone like Victor.

I took some tissues from the box, wiping my face, I dried my hands under the drier. Combing my fingers through my hairs I tried to tame them. When I was certain I was looking normal or at latest close to it, I went out of the bathroom. The clink of my sandals echoing in the rather silent bathroom.

I was fixing the hem of my dress when someone grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the nearest wall. A scream was about to come out of my mouth, my mind went into overdrive.

Panic. Anxiety. Terror.

All those thoughts thoughts disappeared as soon as I stared into the eyes of my intruder. or more like intruders.

Two sets of eyes.

Both magnificent and captivating.

One blue as aquamarines and clear sky.

Other green as emerald and greenest of forest.

Staring deep into mine.

The clang of a metal dish in the distance was enough to bring me out of my haze. The men who I wa strying hard to forget about were now standing in front of me. My heart was beating hard and fast at their close proximity. If before what I felt was a butterfly, now I am sure a whole cage of butterflies was opened inside my stomach.

I could feel the warmth of Mr. Hernandez's hand, seeping through my clothes, their smell was intoxicating. It was like they were a drug and I was addict. Coming for more and more. They were both looking at me with an expression that was intimidating but calming at the same time.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.If someone saw us in this position it would surely raise some suspicion. Mr. Hernandez was standing in front of me and his hand was holding my elbow in a firm yet gentle grip, while Mr. Rizzo was standing on my left, leaning against the wall, their eyes only on me.

"Who was that guy?", it was Mr. Rizzo who broke the silence in his deep and sexy voice, while all I could think about was Mr. Hernandez's hand still holding me.

"Ummm...he's a friend of Aurora, and Aurora is my friend. So she invited him to eat with us tonight. Not like we are dating or something sir, I just got to know him", now sure what compelled me to defend myself by saying that he's just my friend, but I did.

A smirk grew on the face of man on my left, while the man in front of me showed no reaction on his face, though his eyes glinted and shone with something similar to.....anticipation?

Their shoulders relaxed an inch, like this piece of information relieved them. I opened my mouth to ask them why they were here, or why they were holding me, though I would like nothing more but to be embraced by them forever, but of course I kept this piece of information to myself.

"Good, and he should remain just that", this time it was Mr. Hernandez who spoke up.

His eyes serious and staring dep into mine. I nodded at that, not caring about what he said, all I wanted was to obey him.

My brain was slow to process what he said, but when it finally did, my face turned 50 shades of red.

Mr. Rizzo moved near and held my jaw in a firm grip, he turned my face towards him, his hot breath fanning against my face. I shuddered at that. My legs suddenly feeling weak.

"Answer him amore", Mr. Rizzo said, tilting my face up, his fingers grazing my jaw, cheek bones, then my lips. Soft feather like touches making me shudder. His eyes roaming over each and every inch of my face.

"Y-yes sir".

God, is it just me or it is hot in here?

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