50. Do you want me to?

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The main song of this chapter is "Nothing breaks like a heart" by Miley Cyrus.

3rd person POV.

Amelia was trembling. In both anticipation and fear.

With each sentence uttered from Ezra he took step closer and closer until they were sitting just in front of each other.

"Why?", Was all Ezra said. His voice was leveled but his eyes had a brewing storm inside them. His white knuckles and clenched shouldn't have been so hot, but what about him isn't?

"B- because he is a n-nice guy", Amelia said, it was an excuse. She knew that. But would she tell them that she wanted to go on the date with that guy because unconsciously she wanted to forget them, she wanted to erase their memories as they were a painful reminder of her never having them.

"Lie again. I dare you", his voice was dangerous. His eyes were dangerous. His whole demeanor was dangerous.

He was dangerous.

He was so close that she could feel his breath on her face, the minty breath did nothing to calm her. From this close she could see every inch of his blemish free, porcelain smooth tanned skin. 

"I am not. He is a nice guy. He took me out on a date and we had fun", she said with faux confidence, though from the inside she was a trembling mess.

Somehow his cold blue eyes now seemed even more colder, they were the darkest shade of blue. It reminded her of the pacific. The deep and terrifying ocean. 

"He is not a nice guy. He made you uncomfortable. You almost had a panic attack because of him. He is just using you", Ezra spat out.

 Another inch closer.

Amelia's confidence faltered slightly. 'How dare he say that Victor was using her', she thought angrily to herself. It wasn't that she was defending him but rather herself as he called her naive in more than one word.

"I am not naive. Don't tell me what to do and what not to do, sir", she said the word in a mocking manner, as if she was taunting him that he was nothing but her teacher when in reality she wanted much much more than that.

"Like hell I won't. You are just another girl who goes behind guys who give them even a tindle of attention. It's quiet pathetic actually", he taunted her but immediately regretted it as soon as she flinched away from him. 

Maybe it was in fear or maybe it was disbelief. But he sure as hell regretted what he said. Did he show it? Nope.

Amalia dragged in a long inhale and her hurt now slowly faded into anger. Hot and unfiltered anger.

"What did I ever do to you?!", she asked raising her voice, she stood up and looked down at him, eyes blazing with fury and her small hands clenched to stop the tears from flowing down.

"I don't owe you an answer to that", he said averting his eyes, he knew that he was wrong, He knew that she could live the life on her own terms, hell she had the right to. But tell that to the insane jealousy brewing inside him after watching her with another man strolling in the park.

"You have hated me since we first met. Never talked to me nicely, never made a civil conversation, looking at me with those hateful eyes. What did I do to you?!", she continued without waiting for his answer.

"Do you think I hate you?", He angrily asked as he stood up. His aura dominating making her want to just curl up in his lap and take back all the words she said.

"Yes. And why do you even care if I go on a date with someone or not. You are my principal, sir. Not my boyfriend", her words were confident but she wasn't.

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