7. The Uncaged Bird

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The main song of this chapter is "Never say Never" by The Fray.

3rd person pov.

She ran and ran until her legs felt like jelly, her breath came out in pants and a layer of sweat now covered her body. A small smile appeared on her face seeing that she has reached a bus station and her surroundings  were no longer familiar to her. 

She took a fresh breath and said to herself aloud, "This is what freedom smells like".

She was unknown to the storm now happening in her house. Karen and Olivia Parked their car in the lot. Karen came out to see her alcoholic husband sprawled on the porch steps. First she took it as he came home drunk and fell asleep on the porch which has occurred many times in the past but then she saw the door open and.

'Something is not right' she thought to herself.

"Olivia, go upstairs and see if all of our things are still in the house or not", said Karen.

Olivia lifted her head from her phone, chewing a bubblegum rather loudly, "Why? what happened", asked Olivia in a nonchalant manner.

"I am afraid there has been a theft in our house". Karen was now thinking hard about what could have happened. She had her suspicions but she would rather confirm them than overthinking about nothing.

Olivia got out of the car and went in the house, not much minding that her heels were pressed upon her father's hand. 

A moment later a scream came out of the house, startling Karen. 

"Someone stole my extra phone! The one which Jared gave me", hysterically screeched Olivia. Jared is her boyfriend who likes to spoil her with gifts in return of sex.

Karen's mouth turned into a sneer, already knowing who could have done it. It was her money she cared about so she too went inside the house to look for her secret stash of money which she kept hidden upon the cupboard. EMPTY, it was empty. Not a single penny was left.

"Mom, didn't you hear me?!, someone STOLE my PHONE", yelled Olivia. Karen didn't mind her much, seeing as her money was too taken.

"Mom?", Olivia was mad, so mad that someone stole her phone. It wasn't just about the phone, but rather about the photos clicked in the the phone. Photos of her and Jared's intimate moments, videos of them having sex. Under the angry look, resided fear of someone misusing them.

Karen was furious, angry that Amelia the adopted daughter had taken all of her, her face was getting red with anger, but deep down inside she was relieved that her daughter has finally gotten relieved from her daily torture, that she has managed to get away from the tight grip of her father.

Even though she never defended her, she still felt bad everytime Amelia would scream and plead her to save her from her dad. Karen was proud that her little bird escaped the claws of the big bad wolf and flew out of the nest. But of course she wouldn't show it. She hid her emotions behind her perfected mask, careful not to let any emotion slip out. Ignoring Olivia's dramatic cries, she took a beer out of the fridge, took a long sip and then called one of her nightstands.

Amelia booked a bus ticket with the money she had taken. The bus was coming after 30 minutes, so she decided to spend the time thinking about what she is going to do next.

'Crap, I forgot to read the rest of the letter', she took out the letter, careful not to cripple it.

It read, "Your classes will be starting from 16th of December. The schedule and your books will be collected at the register. Hope to see you soon Ms. Blackwood.", 'That means I have 4 days to settle into an apartment, find a job to fulfil my necessities and to complete my winter readings'.

Amelia started to hyperventilate. Her breaths started coming out in short pants, black dots filled her vision and sheen sheet of sweat covered her body.

'Calm down Mia,...calm down. Just breath in and breath out.' she started doing what Lucy had taught her as she has had panic attacks more than a few times and Lucy was always there to comfort her using her method.

She decided that she will go the Seattle and then figure out the rest but first she bought a charger for her phone and then started searching for apartments to rent.

Her bus arrived, it was around midnight. She sat on the window seat at the far end and started searching. After an hour of surfing on the internet she finally found an apartment. Apparently a girl named Heather was looking for a roommate. An immediate smile came upon Amelia's face seeing that the flat was in a great condition and the price wasn't too high either. 

A burst of happiness sprouted inside her, she saw hope and a future in front of her. She couldn't believe that she was going on a journey of self discovery. Being alone in the unknown world is terrifying yet the thrill of going on a new expeditions without a care in the world. 

She closed her eyes, exhaustion crawled upon her. She shifted in her seat, suddenly a surge of pain coursed through her. Her bruised and battered ribs were hurting so badly that she was blinded by pain. Tears prickled in her eyes, the ribs were pretty much cracked at this point. Every moment of hers caused more and more pain. She bit the inside of her cheek to prevent from screaming as the pain was increasing minute by minute, the coppery taste of blood filled in her mouth. 

The crescent shapes were imprinted on her palms as she was balling up her fingers, nails digging into the soft flesh of her palms, to stop from crying and sobbing in front of all these people. The pain was excruciating. She took a deep breath, 'inhale...and exhale' she reminded herself.

She took out some painkillers from her bag which she took from her medical box from her home. She swallowed the pills dry, not having water currently.

She curled into a comfortable position, one which did not hurt and let the sleep take over.

A/N. soo.....how was it? I know that I ask this everytime but still. she is finally free and in the next chapter she is going to meet them ........ maybe. you know who I am talking about.

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