39. Good girl

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The main song of this chapter is "Can't catch me now" by Olivia Rodrigo.


My mind was frenzy.

My breath was coming out in an erratic motion. The room was dark, silent and eerily quiet. The fingers did not move from there. 

He did not move from behind me. His hot breath fanned against my neck, every pulse in my body wake up.

His firm and taut muscular chest was pressed against my back. His body was the only source of warmth in that cold class. 

'There is no way that this man does not know how he is affecting me', I thought to myself. I was thankful for the darkness of the room, cause by now I was certain that my cheeks would be of a bright maroon colour.

Sure I could easily blame it on the cold but somehow I knew that he would know the real cause of it, no way in hell he would have bought my excuse.

"Do you get it now?", he spoke in a hushed tone, as if he was afraid of ruining the calming atmosphere present in the room. A swarm of butterflies was caged free inside my stomach. This has been happening a lot in his frequency. 

I was never attracted to any man before him......and Mr. Hernandez.

I know that it is wrong, the feelings I did not know are being woke by them but no matter what I can't seem to stop it. It's like one moment I want to push them away just for the sake of maintaining the respectful relation of student teacher, but the next I want him to push me against the wall and capture my lips in a sweet and sensuous kiss.

Another shiver ran down my spine as his nose grazed along my neck, then towards my jaw and finally my collarbones. I released a shaky breath at this action of his. I don't know what we were doing but one thing was certain that it was wrong but god it does feel so right.

I would have pushed another man off of me but with him it just felt so....amazing. I always thought that after my father and his friends I would never be able to truly enjoy the touch and intimacy of another man, but Mr. Rizzo? He was an exception. 

"Do you?", he whispered in my ear, and all I could do was to nod at him. The ability to speak clearly was lost in my mind. I knew that if I opened my mouth, no coherent sentences could be formed. 

"Answer him verbally, Ms. Blackwood", a gruff and deep voice was heard in the rather quiet class. Mr. Rizzo tensed behind me. I jerked back from his hold, thinking that someone came and saw us in this rather intimate position.His arms circled around my waist while the other right under my bust.

My body froze from fear of being caught even thought we were doing nothing wrong. Right?

The person who spoke was camouflaged from the darkness as he stood under the dim light of the room. He took a step forward, showing us his face. 

Mr. Hernandez.

My shoulders relaxed just an inch. I don't know why but it did cause deep down inside I know that Mr. Hernandez would never snitch on us to the board. 

I admit, that nothing vulgar happened between me and Mr. Rizzo, but seeing us in this compromising position would have definitely raised many suspicions.

He took a step closer, then another and another until he was standing right in front of me. I turned my eyes downwards, suddenly finding the floor a lot more interesting. 

The distance between us three was next to nothing. The arm came and again circled around my waist on a firm but gentle grip. Mr. Hernandez grabbed my chin, turning my face upwards.

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