12. That is really her.

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The main song of this chapter is "Let her go" by Ed Sheeran


The started just fine after the Ashley incident. He explained each and every topic precisely with detailed information, making sure that we grasp the meaning of it. I was mesmerized by how he taught and it was pretty much easy to learn so I gave my best to study and not let my struggles go to waste.

Half of the population of the class was ogling him;girls, while the other half was actually studying. As the lesson was about to come to an end, he stopped and stared at us intently.

"Now, I want you all to know that if any of you did not get the topic then you have to ask me then and there, achieve less than 85% and you are out of my class", he spoke while maintaining eye contact with us to know that he meant serious business and if we do not obey him, the repercussions would be very bad.

When no one replied, obviously due to shock or fear, he bellowed in a loud and dominant voice, making sure to punctuate every word, "Do. You. Understand?"

A chorus of yer sirs' echoed through the class. When the bell rang everyone quickly packed their things and left the class, people making sure to cast down their eyes, due to the fear of our teacher, I even heard a few students referring to him is 'Hitler'. Nonsense.

Me and Aaron packed and stood up to leave, while we reached the door, I don't know what compelled me to take a quick glance at our teacher, but I did. 

I slightly turned my head, looking at him. Maybe he must have felt the weight of my gaze, he too looked at me, I mustered up my little courage and smiled a little. His cold eyes scanned me from head to toe and he turned his eyes away from me as if I was a bother to his mere existence. Ouch! 

I huffed and got out of the class. "I have Econ 101 now, so see you after the classes", Aaron said while typing on his phone. I nodded my head and bid him goodbye. I reached my class which was English Lit, taking a seat, I opened my spare copy of 'Pride and Prejudice', just then someone sat in the vacant seat next to me, I took a glance, only to realise it was the girl from the science lecture, "Aurora, right?", I asked, giving her a slight smile.

"Yeah, seems like the universe is hell bent on making us friends", She said, returning an even brighter smile.

She had copper red long hair, with black eyes and freckles splattered all over her nose and cheeks. Even I have freckles, I just don't like them much. With chubby cheeks and rosy lips, nio one could have imagined that she would have a badass personality, which she was rocking with her black leather jacket and leather pants with black combat boots.

We instantly clicked, she was an extrovert while I am an introvert, but opposites attract I guess.


Today is my first day at the Greenwood university as a professor. It is going to be absolutely annoying to have to heal with those rich kids with bratty personality who have their parents clean up their messes.

 Shaking my head I stop the treadmill and wipe my face with towel. I woke up at 5, and went to gym for a few hours to take some steam off. I opened the bottle of cold water from my mini fridge installed in the gym and went upstairs to bath.

I turned on the warm water and stood under the massive shower head, just thinking and thinking. I had many requests from universities, even much more prestigious then Greenwood, but my gut told me that this is the one, that it has to be this one for me. 

I left the shower, tying one towel around my waist and using the other to dry my hair. I walked into my closet and choose a Black suite for today. Dropping the towel, I got dressed in my clothes, I choose to wear a vortex today. Taming my hair is a difficult task, seeing as they flop down on my forehead in a curly mess, with the help of gel, I gelled them back and wore my Oxfords'.

My dog Roxy, barked from my bedroom door, as if telling me to feed her. I quickly filled her bowl with some food and took my Ashton Martin from the garage, after 15-20 minutes I reached the University and parked my car in the VIP section. 

I got out of the car and walked up the stone path. I could feel the stared of many girls and women, but I was used to it by now, so ignoring their hungry eyes I reached the principal's office.

The secretary informed me that his speech had already been started and soon I will be called on the stage. I thanked her and went towards the Auditorium. Indeed he was giving his speech, after sometime he looked towards me, and signaled me to come forward. I took a deep breath, fixed my cuffs and tie. 

I walked up the podium, ready to deliver a brilliant speech. I first stared at every student and teacher standing in the crowd, some were curious, some were bored and some were filled with admiration. 

Just as I was about to speak up, my eyes landed on someone. 'No, no, no, it can' t be! This girl can't possibly be her'.

I took a doubletake, sure it was her. My eyes widened a fraction but I quickly composed myself The girl whom I am unable to erase from my mind for the past 2 years, the same brown hair, slender and elegant figure, chocolaty brown eyes which could distract you for hours, she is the girl of my agony and ache. She is my 'little fighter'.

A warmth spread inside me, my chest felt like it was on the verge of exploding with happiness. I never though I would see her again, but now that I have would I be able to have her forever?

A/N, yeasssss....I wrote this in Nicholas's pov. This is my first time trying so please go easy on me. Comment your thoughts in comment section

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