30. I lied again

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The main song of this chapter is "Die for you" by the Weeknd.


I froze, my eyes trained on them and their reaction.

Both of them had their eyes firmly on my stomach, not once wavering from there.

I shut my lids, afraid of their reaction.

I felt someone's feather like touch gracing my abdomen.

Once. Twice. Thrice.

I looked at them, seeing no emotion on their face.

I expected pity, disgust or even repulsion but not knowing that they were thinking was too much mind blogging.

Mr. Hernandez was now loosening his hold on my hand, I tightened it fearing that he was going to leave me alone.

Even though I have received nothing but frown and anger from him, the thought of him leaving me was somehow more painful.

He looked over me, then slowly he removed his hands from mine, his eyes still very much focused on me. Tears prickled again, from the thought of him leaving me because of those bruises.

A soft touch flittered over my stomach. Upon looking it was Mr. Hernandez who was touching me but not quite touching me.I felt the warmth radiating off of his palm, seeping through me.

I wanted to tell them to go. To leave me alone, but I didn't. Only a fool would deny help in times of need, so I just layed back, letting Mr. Rizzo examine my injuries. 

They looked as if they wanted to ask a million of questions, get to know how I got into this mess, how much I am hiding from them, as if they anted to hide and protect me in their arms by shielding me from the world. 

I was delusional. 

I as sure of it by now, they kept quiet and went back to examining the extent of my injury. 

"How did you get these...", the gruff voice of Mr. Rizzo cut through the silence.

I opened my mouth to spew some lie and escape from this situation but he beat me to it.

"And don't you dare lie. I mean it", his eyes were dead serious. I wanted to lie, I wanted to keep my secrets a secret which I would keep with me and take it to my grave, even though his eyes compelled and his voice commanded me tell him my deepest darkest secrets. So I did just that.

I. Lied. Again.

"I fell down the stairs a few days ago", My voice void of any emotions whatsoever. I averted my eyes from them, knowing that if I looked into them I would not be able to keep my secret for long. And that thought terrified me. 

The thought of someone having control over mre after escaping my puppet like life was beyond terrifying. 

I looked towards them, my eyes yet again betraying the rational thoughts. They looked as if they were ready to call on my bullshit. Like I just said the lamest and dumbest joke of all time. As if they would rather believe the theory of aliens than believe this poor excuse of mine.

Mr. Rizzo was about to open his mouth when Mr. Hernandez placed a hand on his chest, an action which indicated that he should stop whatever he was about to do, those blue orbs looking directly into mine but looking distant and deep in thoughts.

Mr. Rizzo turned his eyes on Mr. Hernandez's hand on his chest, then on his face, his face scrunched up in confusion, his eyebrows furrowed.

Mr. Hernandez looked over him, their gaze remained connected for a few moment and then both of them looked over me. The confusion was now vanished from Mr. Rizzo's eyes and was replaced with understanding and determination.

The hand returned and connected with mind while the other sets of hand worked on my ribs. In any other situation I would have had melted from their close proximity but now all I could think about was the excruciating pain erupting in my chest. 

Black spots started to appear in front of me, their face started to blur in front of me. I could vaguely see their mouths moving indicating that they were speaking but no words managed to reach my ears.I remember screaming from the pain, but then the sweet lull of darkness alurred me towards it and I eloped the nothingness with open hands. 

I could feel my head throbbing painfully, my throat felt scratchy and sore, probably from screaming or I don't know. My eyes were closed and it felt as if a warm comforted was draped over me, the air was chilly and cold but the heat radiating from the blanket was enough to make me feel in heaven.

The pain in my ribs was still there, but it was bearable. A lot more bearable than before. My lids felt as if a ton of bricks was placed upon them, I could hear faint voices coming from somewhere. I strained my ears to hear them but to no avail. 

With a sigh, I tried to open my eyes, after a few minutes of blinking and rubbing my eyes, I got accustomed to the darkness in the room. I knew where I was. I was in my apartment .

The sound of door creaking open had my head turning towards the sound. I saw a head poking in and the next second a pair of arms had me in a tight and comforting embrace. 

I breathed in the familiar and soothing smell of Coco. Her body shaking with small cries had me frowning in concern. I quickly pulled her hand off of me and looked at her.

"Hey, why are you crying? What happened?", I asked frantically. 

My only response was another sob coming from her. When I took a good look at her I saw that her eyes were bloodshot and her hair were disheveled. What happened? Maybe she and Aaron broke up. Maybe something happened with her parents. I started to think of the worst possibilities when her voice brought me back.

"You! I was worried about you, you stupid, reckless, airhead and ridiculously kind hearted bestfriend of mine!", she screamed at me then again hugged me, her shoulders slumping in relief.

That brought a huge grin on my face and I allowed my hands to return her embrace. 

Someone does care for me.

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