15. Enticing, Euphoric and Electric

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The main song of this chapter is "Calm down" by Selena Gomez


I was marking some test papers in my study, some students did excellent in my class, more like only 3 did; Amelia, JacK and Brielle. Their paper were top notch. Every detail was perfectly written with neat penmanship. I was truly impressed, 6 students failed to pass my test, I will send them the notice to choose another class aas I will remove them from mine, I had warned and I don't back on my word.

I checked about 47 papers, and when I stretched my hand to take another paper, I furrowed my eyebrows when I found none. There are 63 students in my class, so the rest of the papers must have been left in the class. With a sigh I got up and left my office, yes I have my own office. Being the head of science department has it's perks I guess.

I went towards the class and opened the door, seems like another class was going on, Ms. Forbes was droning on about how english is important and all, as soon as her eyes fell on me, a bright smile bloomed on her face which looked too superficial to be real. 

I sent a nod in her direction with a small smile, not wanting to come out as rude. 

"Hey Mr. Rizzo, How can I help you?", she said in a flirty voice, twirling a strand of her hair around her fingers. I mentally rolled my eyes at this though my face remained neutral. She not so discreetly lowered her top, in an attempt to draw my eyes at her bosoms; again, ignored by me.

It's not that she isn't good looking, cause she is, but I would like to maintain professionalism with my colleagues. Mixing my professional life with private life is not my cup of tea.

"Ummm...no, I just came to collect some papers from the drawers", I swiftly dodged past her towards the selves where the papers were kept previously.

I smelt her overly sweet smell of perfume before I felt her presence behind me. She touched my biceps, in an attempt top get close to me, now I was getting frustrated.

I swiftly turned around, and took her hand off of me. "Ms. Forbes, I get your intentions but I would like to keep it strictly professional", I said to her in a hushed tone, not wanting to embarrass her in front of her students.

I know that this came as rejection but a challenge to her. Hurt, malice, and determination flashed through her eyes, though she covered it up quickly by another one of her smiles.

" Yes, sure I understand it. Forgive me for my behaviour, I suppose we could become great friends?", she asked fluttering her eyes at me. I thought for a second and nodded my head with a small smile on my face. I turned around to leave the class, when I saw HER staring me. I stared right back, which surprised her and a blush crawled up her face, I turned my back, in an attempt to hide my smirk from their sight.

I don't know her name yet, but I plan to find it out soon enough.


They had a hushed conversation, he said something and her face fell at the speed of light but as quick as it fell, just as quick a smile came onto her lips. After nodding he turned to leave and for the third time he looked towards me, the intensity in his eyes shocked me. I am sure my face would be the colour of a ripe tomato by no from how hard I was blushing. 

What is with this man and his eye contacts.

He averted his face and left the room, leaving an aura behind. I shook my head and focused on what Ms. Forbes was now saying.

After an hour of the class the lecture ended, Aaron and I packed our bags and stood up to leave.

"Hey, you want a coffee?", asked Aaron

"Yeah sure, let's go to canteen"

"Oh no, I have two cups already" I frowned at that, until my eyes widened at the two cups he took out of his bag. I looked at his as if he was a crazy man, which he probably is.

"yo chill, I took them in the morning and forgot to drink them", he said nonchalantly.

"Who the hell forgets to drink coffee they just bought?", I asked bewildered.

"Uhhh...me?", he said pointing towards him, I shook my head with a smile on my face.

We left the room and he went his way, in the other building for his next class.A notification chimed as I took my cracked phone out of my bag.

Unknown: Where the fuck are you Aime? 

Unknown: If you so much as hint someone about me I will give you the most painful death.

Unknown: Answer me you little fucker

A chill ran down my spine, my eyes widened with fear, terror.Only HE called me that. Tears sprang in my eyes. The number was unknown, but I had a powerful guess about who it could be. My ribs were a painful reminder of him. A sob was threatening to escape my lips, I did not see where I was going and crashed into someone. 

I looked up only to be met with cold blue eyes. Enticing, Euphoric and Electric. He looked down, and annoyance crawled into his face. 

Furrowing my eyebrows, I too looked down, only to realise that I spilled my coffee on him and I. This caused even more tears to spring in my eyes. I had to bite the inside of my cheeks, to physically restrain myself to cry from sheer and utter embarrassment. His white, crisp ironed shirt was now ruined with dark brown splatters of coffee, staining it.

Embarrassment of spilling coffee on none other but principal, Mr. Hernandez. My face was burning with humiliation, which I am sure was about to come and it did.

"Can't you see where the fuck you are going?", he questioned me in a deadly calm voice though his eyes conveyed something else. Rage. I could do nothing but gulp in fear, stuck on my spot.

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