18. Twice in a day

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The main song of this chapter is "Kill Bill" by Billie Eilish.


'What the hell is happening right now?' That was the only thought swirling in my mind right now. The woman still had her tongue deep down his throat, her hands gripping his shoulders in a tight grip while his were on her waist.

His eyes wavered from me for a second when she grabbed his ass and squeezed hard. My eyes widened at that. He pulled back and took a few steps away from her while the woman had a huge smile on her face, looking as if she accomplished something huge.

'She probably did. Many women would die to get a kiss from him', I thought to myself.

He stood in his place, looking as if he was in a deep thought. The woman snapped her fingers in front of his face, "Hi, my baby...I missed you so, so much. You did too right?", she said with an obnoxiously high pitched voice, and the face that the hallways were empty didn't help it all.

For a moment, Mr. Rizzo's gaze flicked to mine, before he looked at her, a smile now coming onto his face. A smile which which was directed to her.

"Yeah, missed you too Freya", his reply was clipped, though his actions said something different. With his hand on her waist and another brushed the strand of her hair behind her ears, his eyes gazing into hers. 

And that was the moment ladies and gentlemen, I realized that 'WE' could never happen. I mean he had a beautiful woman in his arm and a perfect life ahead; A handsome man fell in love with a beautiful woman, that's what the world would say.

I turned to leave, but then his eyes met mine, something familiar to guilt and regret passed through his eyes but it was gone as soon as it came. Turning my back to them, I walked towards my next class, my mind and focus somewhere else entirely. 

I walked and turned around a corner when suddenly I crashed into something....more like someone. The second I looked up I regretted my decision to walk without looking, with anger and something like slight amusement was in his eyes.

I could recognize those eyes anywhere. Standing before me was none other but Mr. Hernandez.

'Two times in a day, seriously Mia?!'. It looked like he read my mind, because he said the exact same thing I was thinking about

"That's twice in a day Ms. Blackwood. If you weren't my student I surely would have taken you as a stalker", He looked down at me, his hairs gelled back professionally, though one strand seemed to have escaped or maybe intended, but god he looked great.

Seeing as I was not responding, He raised a perfectly arched eyebrow at me, willing for me to speak.

"Oh...um...no, I just- I was just, coming and....I am sorry", I said defeatedly, My mouth curving in a small sheepish smile.

Maybe it was my illusion or just a hallucination, but I saw the corner of lips lips quirk up, just a little, but enough to understand that he was going to smile but decided against it.

"Try being less clumsy", with that he walked past me, not waiting for my answer. okayy....so that was my clue to go. 

After attending my last class I started my journey to my house, the message remained on seen  and three new message unopened, nagging me at the back of my mind. With a frustrated sigh I unlocked my phone and opened the messenger, deleting the texts and blocking the number.

'Maybe now he'll get the hint to leave me alone'.

I walked up the stairs to my flat and unlocked the door of the apartment, only to find Coco half naked on the couch, straddling his lap, making out with him. Her hands on his shoulders on his shoulders and his tangled in her hair.

My eyes were wide open, it took me a moment for the scene to sink in, and when it did, I let out a yell and covered my eyes. 'Gosh, if I see one more person making out in front of me, I am seriously gonna consider celibacy' okay that was too extensive but you get my point. Right? I heard Coco shriek in horror and Aaron letting out a loud laugh. 

I peeked from between my fingers to see Coco in an oversized shirt, which was probably Aaron's and him sitting only in his jeans, hands behind his head, looking as relaxed as ever and mind you....still laughing. Coco's face was flushed red, contorted into embarrassment. Her arms crossed over her chest, glaring at her boyfriend.

Coco threw a random cloth in his face to make him stop laughing, but that only fueled his laughter more. I shook my head at these two and closed the door.

"Guys we have bedroom for a reason", I said with my hands on my hips, scolding them in a mom voice as they like to call it.

"Oh but your reaction was totally worth it, both of yours", Aaron said with a chuckle, both of us glared at him, and this time it was me who threw a pillow at him which he expertly dodged.

He turned to face us and mimicked my reaction, his eyes dramatically wide, mouth agape and let out a girly scream. Coco and I giggled, while Aaron sat there with a pleased expression.

"Sorry Leah, we'll go to the bedroom next time, for sure", she said with puppy eyes, a pout on her face. I rolled my eyes at her dramatic gesture, a smile still on my face.

"Fine...I am gonna go shower", I took my towel from the basket and went in the bathroom. It was small but it was better than I had in my old house, anything was better than my old house. There the tiled were cracked, shower was leaking 24/7, the ceilings had moulds in them and it smelled as if a rat had died there.

I turned on the shower, waiting for hot water to come. After a minute or two I stepped under the shower and let the hot water cascade down me, washing away my thoughts and tensions. 


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