54. Massimo and Christian

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The main song of this chapter is "Monster" by Gabry Ponte,LUM!X.


"Are you sure that this is his home?", asked Coco for the upteenth time.I nodded at her, not wanting to repeat myself for the 7th time since we got here.

"Yes, yes it is. The place is a little sketchy and all-"

"Sketchy and all?! This place looks like the hide out spot for gangs and drug dealers", Coco fumed with exasperation.

I bit my lip and looked around me. She was right. The place was hella sketchy and not to mention giving me major creeps. It was in the other side of our apartment, just about 25 something minted from here, when we entered the area it looked little fine but as we moved further, the littered roads, the smell of open gutter and dead rat, graffitis of dicks and vaginas, some very visual drawings..of you know, people in bed and all. The buildings were crackled and the colour was peeled from it. 

"Do we really have to go", Coco whined, grasping my shoulders in her hands and facing me towards.

"It was you who talked with him and got us and invitation to this dinner", I pointed at her, mimicking her actions and placing my hands on her shoulders.

"Ohhh that was before I knew that he lived in...this hell hole", she huffed out annoyed, pinching her nose to stop the horrendous smell from inhaling.

"Don't be like that. It's not nice to call it a hell hole. People live here because they as afford this, not everyone has the luxury of richness", I lightly scolded her. Her words were partially true seeing as this was literally not a place for animals to live, much less humans to do.

"Okay, sorry. Let's just get this over with", she dragged me towards Mr. Potter's house. He had given me his address on a piece of paper after deciding the dinner arrangement with Coco. It was great in some aspect to rekindle with the people from your past who weren't bad, but then again I don't know him that well...so let's just see how it goes.

We climbed up the stairs of a building, the smell of dead animal lingered in the air, making my stomach queasy and head spin. I swallowed down my saliva and tried breathing through my mouth but that was a terrible decision seeing as when I inhaled through my mouth I felt as if I could actually feel the smell of rotten animal on my tongue.

"I swear this place is haunted. Look at this...gosh we should have brought Aaron with us", she pointed at a rat hanging upside down from one wall, judging by the look of him, it was safe to say that he was dead. My stomach flipped upside down, threatening to spill the contents of this morning on this very floor.

"It's just the matter of an hour, let's go through this", now it didn't matter if I was being rude, all I wanted was to get the hell away from here if I wanted to not upset my stomach further.

We reached the fourth floor after so much of gagging and complains. The door of houses were made of wood which looked like they had been damaged and splintered due to the water leaking from above, forming a shallow pool in certain areas.

"Which damned house is theirs?", Coco muttered while looking around. I pointedly glared at her for using these kinds of words. I mean sure they didn't live nicely or that the condition of their area wasn't much better than that of a prison but using these kinds of words when anyone could hear them through those thin words unsettled me.

She met my eyes and gave me a heartfelt sorry which I am sure she did not mean but it was all good.

"What number did he say his house was?", I whispered to her.

"I don't remember, but even if I did, do you see any numbering on the door?", she had a point, cause there was no number or any kind of indication to differentiate their houses.

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