41. When do I start boss?

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The main song of this chapter is "Riptide" by Vance Joy.

3rd person POV

"Wat w-what, sir?", Amelia asked dumbfounded. When the principal entered the room, leaning against the frame of the door, she could not stop her eyes from roaming all over his body.

He was wearing his usual beige slacks with black shirt over it, a cup of coffee in his hands and his hair not so much slicked back, giving it a laid back gorgeous style.

She quickly averted her eyes, not wanting to be caught ogling her principal. 

Meanwhile Nicholas was enjoying it. He knew that the game he and Ezra were playing was dangerous, not to mention fallacious, but did they care? 

Yeah they did care about what would happen if they were to do something intimate and it would spread around the campus like a wildfire but behind the close doors? When it was just them three? No boundaries, no restrictions. Of course they would not pursue it.

These kind of thoughts were better left in their deepest and darkest of imaginations and fantasies, thinking about doing something about it would cross some very crucial boundaries which none of them were ready for yet.

"I mean yeah, if you want to take this job you can, no need for interview as I have heard many great things about your academic performance from Mr. Rizzo and a few other teachers. You would get extra credit for it and a weekly pay for all the days you worked. So, what do you say Ms. Blackwood?", Ezra said as nonchalantly as he could.

He wanted her to take this position, not only cause he wanted her close to her, but also because he wanted was genuinely trying to help her. This job would mean a bonus for him as well as her.

Amelia was in a good mood today. She woke up and delicious breakfast was made and served by Coco, who  she profusely thanked for it. Her classes went great and she even got A's and B's in all her test the previous week. She got no message or texts from her stalker which she was extremely relieved for. And the tutoring with Mr. Rizzo went very well. They joked a few times and made silly comments here and there but he was the best teacher she could have asked for to tutor her.

They way he taught her, how he broke down difficult problems and made them look just so easy. If it wasn't for him, she would have gotten C's and D's in physics and Bio. Perhaps it was her good mood or the fact that she was more comfortable around here, she spoke directly with Mr. Hernandez for the first time.

Not that she has never spoken to him before, cause she sure has.

'Good, he should remain just that'

'Answer him verbally'

'Good girl'

It was never her to initiate a conversation, if it is even called what they had. It's just that it was always Mr. Hernandez who would say something to her, doesn't matter if it was to praise her or yell at her for accidently spilly scorching hot coffee on him. Today it was her who spoke first, and it wasn't just her who was stunned by it. Ezra too was appalled by her asking him how his day has been.

She pondered over his offer. It would be good for her to become his assistance as it would look good on her resume and would benefit her grades. Sure the schedule would be even more hectic than before but it was nothing she could not handle, so with that she mustered up her courage and looked into Ezra's eyes.

"When do I start boss?", she spoke playfully, with a small smile on her face.

Ezra was emotionless. Ezra was monotone. Ezra was strict.

But today? He was happy, playful and fucking ecstatic. By her decision a wave of relief washed over him and it was visible.

He grinned. A beautiful and ethereal smile graced his lips. Amelia was amazed by it,wide eyes staring at him, a small and quiet gasp escaped her lips. She had never seen this man crack a smile for the past 4 months she has been in this university. And holy mother of jesus, he has dimples?!

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