3. Mystery man

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The main song of this chapter is "happier" by Olivia Rodrigo.


2 years ago.

All of us had our eyes on the man, coming out of the shadows. I am not certain that he is going to save me or he is one of them. But my gut tells me that he wouldn't harm me.

I was laying on my butt, so I tried to shift a little from their eyesight. The mystery man glanced at me, then the other men surrounding me with sharp and unbothered eyes.

"Who the hell are you eh? Get outa here before I make you!" The pot belly yelled.

"Who I am is for me to know and for you....to fear", he replied with a dangerous smirk, his eyes supporting a killer look. if looks could kill, all the three men would be 6ft under the ground.

"Big talk ain't gonna get you anywhere. You tryna impress the lady.....don't worry we'll share her with you. Right guys?",a greasy haired guy with yellow teeth said and all his friends laughed and agreed by hollering.

His words brought a wave of disgust in my stomach. Do I look like a piece of meat to them?? Or a toy they could share and play with??

"How about I tear you lot into pieces and then share you among the lions waiting in the zoo?", the mystery man replied with expression that said, 'touch me and I'll break your bones'

The three men had fear in their eyes, but they covered it up with an expression of anger.

If it was a cartoon, they would surely have a red face and steam coming out of their ears.

"Why are you here?!! Who sent you? You think you are Robin hood, coming to save the day?", again the pot belly spoke up.

"I gentlemen, am sent by your mothers, who were disgusted by your behaviour and sent me to put some manners in you." He spoke with a level of confidence and authority that a warmth of admiration settled among me for him.

"We gave you a chance to go, but you didn't listen. You are a dead meat now!", yelled the yellow teeth and charged towards mystery man.

He threw a punch, but Mr.M, which I made up short for mystery man, dodged it, and insted punched the yellow teeth in his stomach, causing him to stumble back and fall in the ground.

With a war cry, came pot belly who lost balance and fell cause of his own legs. This caused a laugh to bubble out of me which I quickly covered up before it came out. How drunk could that man be be fell face front on his own.

The third man stood idly in a corner, trying to comprehend what was happening.

Mr.M grabbed pot belly's colar and punched him, causing blood to ooze out of this nose. Mr.M was ready to land another punch when the guy Dean, aka. yellow teeth whose name I got to know as pot belly was continuously yelling his name to save him, came and grabbed Mr.M's hand.

Mr.M's eyes sharply turned towards him, he first elbowed him in the stomach and then backhanded him, then resumed his punching.

"Oyy Ricky, fucking do something you pussy!" Dean yelled at the third man.

Ricky froze, like a deer caught in the headlight. His eyes went wide. Going left to right, looking for a way to escape this situation.

He visibility gulped, turned and then ran like his life depended on it. Which literally did.

Dean was looking at where he went with bewildered eyes, not being able to comprehend that his friend bailed on him in a fight.

I had to stiffle my laugh because of the reaction on his face.

His eyes suddenly turned towards me, looking at me like a predator would often look at his prey. Any trace of smile vanished from my face.

He stalked towards me with a slow pace, a menacing and cunning smirk forming on his filthy face.

Pure fear washed over me. I started to move backwards on my hands, when he held my ankle in a strong grip. He dragged me towards him while I struggle to move free.

I kicked and flagged my limbs but to no avail. One moment he was dragging me and the next he was caught in a headlock by Mr.M.

He held Dean in a firm grip, not letting him escape for a minute. Dean's face got visibility purple, he was shaking his arms in every direction trying to get free.

After a few minutes, his eyes closed and he went limp, falling on the ground.

My eyes went round the size of the scoccers. Tears formed in my eyes thinking that a man was killed because of me.

'Will Mr.M kill be too because I witnessed him killing?', I thought to myself. But that thought was useless as why would he kill me when he risked his life to save me.

"Don't worry, I didn't kill him. He just went unconscious as I applied a little pressure to his windpipe", Mr.M said in a soothing voice.

'Did I say it out loud?' I thought confusingly to myself.

"Yeah you did say", he said with amusement clear in his eyes, thought his face remained neutral.

My face turned with embarrassment. My skin felt hot. A flush crawled up my face. I am sure that if it wasn't dark I would be a bright crimson colour.

"Thank you Mr..."

"No need for formalities, just call me Nick", he replied with a small smile on his face.

"Well thank you Nick for saving my life. If you hadn't come on time then God knows what would they have done to me". I said with sincerity. My words cracked at the end as many images came in my mind of them violating me.

"Shh you are safe now. Don't worry about them. You should go home now. Let me get you out of this alley", he tried comforting me, and it probably worked.

We walked in silence towards the end of the alley side by side, not close enough to touch him but close enough to feel the warmth radiating off of him, With only one thought racing in my mind.

I am safe.....for now.

A/N. I know that I still haven't exposed the two macho men but have patience, they will come very soon. Write in comments about how this chapter was. I know I have said this a lot but still....I am very excited for this book!!

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