69. Finally the moment

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The main song of this chapter is "Stereo Hearts" by Gym class stereos.


Can you kill someone without having to go to jail?

I have this serious urge to stab this butter knife I am holding through Dove's stomach. For the past half an hour, she has done nothing us annoy us to the verge of breaking our hair out of our head. 

First it was about which dress will look good on her, and after  3 sundresses, 2 cocktail dress, 4 bodycon dress....we were done. She would bring out each dress, twirl around, ask us to take her pictures and then change it. This continued until she came out wearing a...rather revealing dress. 

It was a blood red dress with very deep neck line going till the middle of her stomach, just above her navel.

The thing straps were too thin and the dress just rested upon her thighs. To say me and Aurora was shocked would be an understatement.

We were flabbergasted.




And most of all horrified.

On top of that she applied a really heavy makeup consisted of smokey eyes, bold red lipstick and a ton of gold jewellery. In the end when she got ready, she looked like she was getting ready to go to a club rather than a dinner...with our teachers. But it was okay for her it seems as it was our principal she was trying to seduce.

"Is it okay or too much?", she asked looking at herself in the mirror. I raised a brow in disbelief, Aurora mirroring my expression, only she had her nose scrunched up as Dove bent to get her heels and flashed Aurora her g- string.  A literal g- string? Is it okay for me to say it the fourth or maybe fifth time, what the fuck? Cause actually...what the fuck is she wearing?

"Yeah, it's perfect.", she said to herself without waiting for us to say anything. Anyways, it's not like we had anything decent to say.

She wore her red stilettos which made her legs look a mile long but they looked extremely painful. Like she even had difficulty standing up. Why wear them? Oh yeah...our principal.

She sprinkled a ton of perfume and I had to physically close my nose to inhale anymore of that disgustingly sweet smell of it. Aurora ran fast of the room, probably because she was about to vomit on Ms. I- want my- principal, judging by the way she gagged. 

Dove would love that, wouldn't she? Note the sarcasm.

The said girl went and sat on her bed, picking out her phone and taking her photos in different angles. I rolled my eyes for the hundredth time and took my towel and today's outfit for the dinner. Closing the bathroom's door, I turned the water to the highest temperature and went under the hot boiling water. The water cascaded down my long hair, soothing any tense muscles and making me relax like a puddle. After the much needed hot shower, I stepped out of the bathroom, steam rising out from how hot it was in there. 

Putting on my clothes and a simple high top sandals, I sprinkled a needed amount of perfume and applied lotion all over me. I decided against using any heating products and left my hair in it's natural state. It was sometimes straight and sometimes wavy. Today it decided to stay straight, much to my favour. 

When I got to the bedroom, Dove had already left with her friends, good riddance. Aurora was on our bed already in her outfit, scrolling through instagram. We both laid down and chatted together. Talking about the slutiness of Dove, craziness of Aaron, handsomeness of Mr. Rizzo and Mr. Hernandez now that she knew about my liking for them and also a much needed video call with Coco.

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