58. Never touched yourself?

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The main song of this chapter is "That's my girl" by Fifth Harmony.


Today was the day.

Today the results of the test were handing out and it will decide who will get to go on the trip free of cost. A bunch of students were gathered outside the class, crowding the hallways and they pushed against each other to see the list.

I stood idly in the corner, alongside Aaron and Aurora. The three of us looking how the students were stomping on each other's feet, pushing their friends back and trying to move forward like some pack of hyenas. 

A snort of amusement blew from Aurora, Aaron too snickered as a tall but lanky guy fell on the ground by his friends so he pulled the dsaid person's pants down, revealing the duck printed boxers for the students to see.

'Ohh's' and 'Aaah's' filled the halls while we looked at them with merriment. Gradually the swarm of students lessened. Only a bunch of 4-5 students left the board with a smile on their face, clapping and hugging their friends who came in top 10 and remorsefully hugging and consoling their friends who did not come, a smile never leaving their faces.

"This is the moment. Let's go guys", Aurora held my hand and moved me forward. The three of us then went to see out positions as only a handful students lingered there. The list was held by a pushpin which was on the verge of falling as people clearly thrashed around it to see their marks.

"Holy fuck! I got 87%. Technically 86.90% but you know, whatever. I am on the fifth place. Woohooo bitches. I am gonna go to France", Aaron had a huge grin on his face as he singsongly twirled around. Aurora and I laughed at him after heartfeltly congratulating him.

I looked at the fourth place and lo behold, Aurora got 90.58% and she was too coming. I showed her the position she came in and in a matter of seconds both of them were squealing and gushing aroind like two highs schoolers. Abrubtly Aurora stopped and faced me. "Your turn."

I closed my eyes and sent a mental prayer to whoever it was that was listening to my prayers from above. I peeked one eye open and then other. Taking a deep breath and crossing my fingers behind my back I looked at my name and sure, my name was on the list. On....2nd position. 

With a bold 95.67%, I stood on the second place. I wide smile bloomed on my face, the only reaction other than uncrossing my fingers. I stood there, staring at my name and thinking that sure, the tutoring classes paid off. I know that it was me who studied and ;learnt everything, bu without Mr. Rizzo I would probably be on 15th or something position. 

His way of teaching, his method of drilling each and every immaculate detail until it was cemented in my mind awed me. The way he would break every topic into smaller and simpler pieces until they were as easy as learning the numerical table. He was truly an exceptional man, and he should be praised for it. 

With that I strolled towards his office, partially ignoring the squeals coming from behind as Aaron and Aurora talked about how three of us were going to France and quietly walked towards if office. Both of them sent me a look of confusion at my sudden departure but said nothing, the grin uncontainable and contagious.

Upon reaching there I knocked on the door. A deep voice reverberated from inside the door, a faint 'Come in' was all I heard as I pushed open the doors and entered.

He was seated behind his desk, his reading glasses perched on the bridge of his straight nose, green forestry eyes covered by those round glasses frames. A cream colour shirt stretched across his muscular chest and broad shoulders, his wild curls sprawled over his head; untamable and undeniably attractive, just like him.

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