20. Wine and dine.

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The main song of this chapter is "Green is the colour" by Pink Floyd.


We entered the diner, as Aurora joined us. Aaron and Cco were whispering to each other while Aurora was showing me some pictured of her dog. He was a fluffy labrador, with smooth and shining golden furs. 

Sitting on the chairs, we picked up the menu to select something to eat. The waiter came to take our orders. "I'll have a steak with mashed potatoes and fried salmon", said Aaron, Cco ordered the same. "Um....I will have a tuna with poached eggs", Ordered Riri.

I looked over the menu, searching for the cheapest food, "A Barbeque pizza for me and-" 

"Do not order the cheapest, have whatever you want Leah. I said this already", Aaron passed a stern look towards me. 

With a sigh I ordered a shrimp and some fries on the side.

"We'll have some champagne as well", requested Aaron.

The conversation flowed around the table, I let my eyes wander over the restaurant. Many influential people were here, few business meetings were going on, opposite of us, a lovely old couple was having a dinner date, I smiled at that. 

I gazed over the far corner, four people were having dinner, dressed in expensive clothing no doubt, as it was a private area. Two men and two women. I looked again, then took a second glance. My eyes eyes widened upon seeing the familiar faces, they were none other but Mr. Rizzo and Mr. Hernandez, the women on Mr. Rizzo's side was the same women who had kissed him in the hallways that day, who was now his girlfriend.

The women Freya was wearing a peach colored cocktail dress while the other one was wearing a black cowl neck dress. Both of them looking equally beautiful and gorgeous. 

My traitorous eyes then looked over the two greek gods sitting in all their glory. Mr. Hernandez was wearing a grey suit with white undershirt and grey slacks, while Mr. Rizzo was in his infamous black suit, red tie and black pants.

Both of them looked relaxed, their face void of any expression while both the women were chatting animatedly by moving their hands in various direction to elaborate whatever they were saying. 

I guess he felt the weight of my stare, because the next second he turned his eyes, and those emerald green eyes stared directly into mine, taking me by surprise. I wanted to turn around, but the magnetic pull of his hypnotizing eyes held me captive. 

He stopped talking and all his attention was on me. Freya grabbed his hand to tell him something, but due to his lack of reaction she followed his line of gaze and looked at me.

Her face now contorted into one of detest and loathe. Geez...what did I do to you woman? She sent one of the nastiest glare my way, if looks could kill I would have been 6 ft under the ground. Her smile now turned sinister, she grabbed Mr. Rizzo by the collar of his shirt, breaking our eye contact and planted her red painted lips against. 

A pang of hurt and misery went towards my heart. I couldn't take it anymore, so I turned my face towards my friends, listening to their conversation but not quite participating. 

Coco sent a look of concern my way, by my lack of response. 'What happened?', she mouthed.

'I'll tell you later', I mouthed back. I wasn't sure if I was actually going to tell her this but it saved me from the interrogation for now.  The food arrived and we all immediately digged in. I was physically present here but mentally I was lost in the world of my overthinking.

Thinking about the two men, sitting not so far from me, talking and laughing with their partner while I was here sitting and drowning in my misery. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of chair scratching against the floor, I looked towards the sound of the noise only to see a boy, same around my age, sitting in the unoccupied chair.

My face must have shown my confusion, because Riri answered my unasked question.

"He's Victor, you know the guy I was telling you about."

The said Victor sent a smile way, which I hesitantly returned.

"I am so sorry guys that I got late, there was this huge traffic and my uber driver bailed on me", he finished with a sheepish smile. Aaron waved his hand, showing that it was okay.

"No problem Vic, just order whatever you like, we'll wait for you."

He waved a waiter over and Victor was choosing what to eat.

While he was busy ordering I decided to take a good look at him, he had short blonde hair, cropped on the side and long on the top. Brown eyes and straight nose. He was wearing a satin white shirt and brown slacks to match the dress code of this restaurant. He was more on the golden boy side, who looked as if he was his mom's favourite, perfect score with A's, top in his class, and everyone's favourite. He was good looking, I'll give him that.

"So, lemme introduce you to everyone Vic, this is Aaron, the one who's giving this treat...", Riri said pointing towards each of us, "That is Coco, Aaron's girlfriend, and last but not the least, Amelia, your future girlfriend if she likes you-", "And if we approve of it" said Coco gesturing towards her and Riri, sending a stern glare Victor's way, with pointing her pointer and middle finger towards her eyes then his, as if saying 'I am watching you'. We laughed at this, while Victor visibly gulped. Coco can be intimidating when she wants to be.

Victor turned in his seat, now focusing his attention on me. "We haven't officially met, I am Victor Dubois", he said  with a charming grin.  

"Well, in that case I am Amelia Blackwood".

He raised in his seat, and came near me, planting a small kiss on both my cheeks as a way of greeting. I sat momenterile frozen, my face red as a tomato, feeling someone's hard stare at the side of my face.

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