38. Crazy italian guys

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The main song of this chapter is "Runaway" by Aurora. 

A/N. Play this song when the parts are divided at the below.


"Okay so we know that this stalker person......let's name him stalky, so this guy or maybe a girl sends you photos of you which flattering-", I glared at her.

"But very petrifying, so they send it to you through a number right?"We all nodded at that.

"Okay, so what if we send this number to Aurora's friend, who is very good at hacking and all that stuff? I mean if we could get information on them we can take all the proof and turn it in to the cops?"Coco completed with a proud smile.

All of us nodded, I mean it was a good idea actually. If that Aurora's guy if trustable enough then maybe we can find who has been stalking me for all these weeks. All my paranoia, the constant urge to look behind to check if someone is following or not, the fear of stepping a foot out of my house. It can all vanish away.

"The plan's absolutely wonderful babe, but Do we trust this hacker guy?", Aaron said after giving an appreciative kiss on Coco's lips which she happily devoured.

"Yeah I agree with him. We can't just go around telling people about this", I said apprehensively. 

"You all know this guy. Remember Victor from 'Raviolis'?", pipped up Riri. Aaron and I nodded while Coco shook her head.

I looked over at her confused, "That italian guy? you don't remember him?"

"Oh the one who talked about his dead cat for two hours straight?", she asked innocently.

"Baby, that was my friend Vincent", Aaron said rubbing his hand over her arm.

"Then it must be the one with piercings and hella scary tattoo", she said affirmatively.

"What? No! That's my cousin Valentino", Aaron deadpanned.

"So, the one with-"

"For god sake how many italian guys do you know and have went with them at 'Raviolis' including us", Riri exclaimed, waving her hands in air with an exasperated tone.

"Ohhh...that guy", she nodded.

"Riri, can you first get your guy to meet us, you know to-"

"He's the one with three father and two step mother, right?" Coco cut me off by asking this question in general. Another groan escaped Aurora. She. Was. Pissed.

All of us, including Aaron stared down at her, for which she just said "What?"

"How can- I mean who has five....ugh how can this guy have five parents", I yelled out in disbelief.

"Step- parents", Coco corrected in a stern manner.

"That's my former boss Vincenzo", Aaron groaned while burying his face in his hands.

"The question remains, how?!", I butted in.

"Nothing much, just that his father turned out to be gay and very much interested in dating two men AT THE SAME TIME! But one of his partners already had a wife so that one became his stepmother and the other was having an affair with Vincenzo's dad's wife, as in Vincenzo's-", Aaron rambled on about the relations of his bosses' parents, with dramatically moving his hands.

"For fucks sake!! You know what we don't even want to know, he could have 10 parents for all I care", Riri cut Aaron off while pointing a finger at Coco, "And as for you, you'll meet the guy when he comes here in half an hour. Until then no mention of Crazy Italian guys"

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