9. First day of university.

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The main song of this chapter is "Cruel Summer" by Taylor Swift.


I woke up to the lively chirping of the birds, and the rays of sun shining brightly and radiating warmth. Opening my eyes, I saw Heather still sound asleep beside me, snoring softly with her hand perched under her head. 

I stood up, folded my blankets and then went to the kitchen to make some eggs or bacon and some coffee. It took me around 15 minutes to prepare eggs, while the coffee was brewing in the machine. A yawning sound caught my ears, I turned around to find Heather standing near the coffee machine, wide eyes roaming all around the kitchen, she rubbed her eyes in a rather dramatic manner, as if she had hard time believing what was in front of her, I chuckled at her reaction.

"You made all of this? God, I couldn't have asked for a better roommate", She hugged and spun me around. A surprised yelp escaped my mouth with a soft laughter. Her excitement level was same as a toddler.

I filtered the coffee and poured it into two cups, the soothing and delicious aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the house. "Yeah I did, now eat up before all of this gets cold", I said and sat on one of the stools while she climbed on the counter, sat crossed legs and starting munching down on eggs and bacon, taking occasional sips of her coffee.

"We did not get much time yesterday, as both of us were tired, so I forgot to ask you.....which university are you in?", her eyes roaming all around my face.

"Yeah I am in the Greenwood University"

"Shut up!', She gasped out loud.

"I didn't say anything", I asked confused.

"No silly, shut up as in no way you are in that Uni!", she had a huge smile on her face which more so represented that, 'I know something which you don't'.

"Why? what happened?", I asked, suddenly feeling offended, thinking she must be judging how a girl like Me, got the admission the a top class elite university. My hurt must have shown on my face as she quickly shook her head and said, "No, no, I did not mean it in that way, it's just that Aaron too goes to The Greenwood University". 

Oh yeah, her boyfriend. I relaxed a little, getting to know she did not mean anything offending.

For the next 3 days we unpacked and organized our stuffs,  cleaning and dusting the house, buying furniture and some essential groceries. And then finally the day came, the first day of university. I was jittering with nerves, anxiousness and overthinking about simplest of things, like what if I got there late, What if no one liked me, What if I slipped on a banana peel and fell, 'ok, that last one was stupid', but still.

"Gosh Lia, stop overthinking! I can hear your thoughts from here!", Coco yelled from the couch, eyes on the T.V, while munching on chips.

"I am not overthinking-"

"Liar liar, pants on fire", She sung. I rolled my eyes at her antics, but I knew she was right.

She came from behind and ran a comforting on my back. "Look stop making different scenarious about how you are gonna embarrass yourself or how you are gonna fail cause trust me, none of that's gonna happen".

With a determined nod, I went to change my clothes. I wore a simple white t-shirt with skinny blue jeans. Tying my brown long hair into a ponytail I came out of the room. Coco looked me up and down and shook her head. "Lia darling, it's you first day, you can't go this simple. Wait lemme get you some cute accessories to match with it.", she said vibrantly.

I opened my moth to protest only to be stopped by her hard stare, which pretty much said that 'You aren't gonna win this argument babe', and for a cherry on top, she added a sarcastic smile and stuttered out of the room only to come back with a dangling golden earing and matching set of simple yet aesthetic necklace.

I smiled at her and wore it, feeling grateful and joyous to have made such a great friend.

She moved her fingers in round motion, signaling me to twirl around which I did and received two thumbs up an.

I took my tote bag from the couch and waved her goodbye after hugging her, she blew me a kiss and resumed her show.

I walked down the stairs, a small smile playing on my lips. I recently started working in a clothing shop as a saleswomen, where Coco works as she recommended me to her manager, because of which I have earned a little, making me feel good about not depending entirely on Coco. Ordering a cab I sat and patiently waited to be arrived there.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited, I would be lying if I said I wasn't thrilled but I would be condemned if I said I wasn't nervous or panicking on the inside. The thought of being in a new environment was scary yet a promising beginning. The taxi drivers thought interrupted my chain of thoughts, thanking him I paid my fare and got out of the taxi.

In front of me was a huge Institution which was giving of ancient vibes yet it's structure and design was very much modern. The castle like University was covered with grey huge carved stones, A huge fountain of an angel, pouring water out of her hand, her face looked haunting yet serene. 

Flocks of students were seen everywhere, many stood with their group, some lurking around reading a book or listening to songs. The air was filled with excited chatter, laughter and gossips. Some teachers were standing and talking with their colleagues, wearing well ironed suits, or some designer dress from Louis Vuitton and Chanel. 

To say that I felt underdressed would be an understatement. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and exhaled. Opening my eyes I mustered up all my courage and went towards the gated of the Uni.

A/N. sooo...it's her first day! OMG guys, I am so so excited. She is finally gonna meet them. Comment your thoughts on this.

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