67. Just let them go

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The main song of this chapter is "Let her go" by Ed Sheeran.


What do I do?

It was now three hours since I got that text and I haven't spent even a second to relax. My mind going haywire about what to do. My nails were prickled from how much I was biting on them and my eyes were red rimmed, the tears long gone.

The best and wise choice would be to go to the police and tell them about this stalker, but on what basis? I got some anonymous texts, threats but no harm has been done to me. 

They could chalk it us as a prank for all I know. The money would be a ruckus and the daily visit to the police station would be a lot of migraine. 

The person who sent me this has to be from university. I means , how else would they come to take the photo? No other faculty person was allowed on the campus grounds, unless they were allowed by the principal and Mr. Hernandez is wise and much more intelligent to let some shady person in our university. 

Mr. Hernandez. Even the memory of him and Mr. Rizzo, made tears of anguish come in my eyes. Would I really have to give them up? No no...anything but that. But I had to make a right decision, not only for me but for them too. I had to not be selfish and let them go, otherwise it won't be just my scholarship but their carriers and reputation on the line too. 

'Just let them go', I thought to myself as tears rolled down my cheeks. Why does it have to be me to sacrifice my happiness every single time? Why can't the universe let me be happy for just once? Wasn't the years of abuse enough that they had to send a stalker behind me? I could have tolerated it and I did tolerate it, when the threats were just about me, but them too? No, no...I had to be the bigger person and distance myself from them, even if it is the worst and most regrettable decision of my life, I would take it if it meant them being safe.


We had landed on the French soil just a few minutes ago. I had done a relatively good jog at hiding my red rimmed eyes, dark circles underneath it and my puffy face by untying my hair and let it fall around me, shielding my face like a curtain.

We were standing to collect our luggage from that circle roaming thing which rotates everyone's luggage, I don't really know the name and don't even care as the main thing on my mind right now was, what the hell am I gonna do? Ignore them or just go up to them and tell them that sorry for kissing you both, I know that I was kinda whore for kissing both of you but I am really sorry for that? Yeah, no.

The only other choice was to ignore them. Simple right? Let's see.

All of us took our luggage and went to stand next to the door where all the teachers were standing and lightly chatting amongst themselves. My traitorous eyes involuntarily went towards them. Standing in all their handsome glory, looking so effortlessly beautiful, sexy and out worldly. All the teachers had a dress code of white shirt and black slacks, even the female teachers but no one, I mean no one wore that outfit and slayed it like Mr. Rizzo and Mr. Hernandez did. 

It wasn't just me who was staring at them and appreciating their looks, all the women surrounding them were giggling and whispering amongst themselves while pointing at those two, while they stood oblivious to everyone, talking among themselves. Many tried to walk past them, hoping that they would look at them and give them even an ounce of attention but they did not. They didn't even look around even though I am sure they knew that all of them were staring. 

"Isn't he just delicious?", a woman next to me whispered to her friend.

"Hell yeah. If given the chance, I would eat them for lunch, brunch, dinner and snacks.", the second one replied back no so quietly and opn top of that released an overdramatic moan as Mr. Hernandez raked a hand through his hair. 

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