23. The secret rendezvous

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The main song of this chapter is "Montero" by Lil Nas.

Third person POV

Sofia's eyes dance around, looking for a way to get out of this situation. But little did she know that she wasn't gonna get away this easily from it.

Both men knew that Amelia wasn't theirs, but still they couldn't help it. According to Ezra, Nicholas was just trying to be a good teacher by protecting the honour of his student while Ezra is trying to do the same. But little did they know that both are doing it for their own selfish reasons, the reasons which are same in the end.

"Slut huh? who gave you the fucking right to call her that?!", it was now Nicholas's turn to get angry at his partner.

Freya rolled her eyes, while on the inside she was trembling with unknown fear. "Oh come on, girls these days call their friends by those names, she was just over reacting", que another eyeroll.

Nicholas was physically and mentally trying so hard to control his urge to punch something, or rather someone. But his Mother taught him better than to hit girls.

"Are you friend of some sort?", he asked calmly, his green eyes a dark colour now.

"Ummm no, why?". She knew where this was headed, still she pretended not to, as if to stall time.

He took a step closer. She was stronger than Sofia, she stood her ground. Willing her body not to tremble from fear.

"Oh.. then perhaps you have known her long enough to be called acquaintances", he mocked innocence.

"N-no, why are you a-asking me these questions?", she turned her eyes away from him, a sheer layer of sweat now coating her forehead from the fear he was radiating in waves.

"If you don't even know her name, then you have no right whatsoever to call her and disrespect her like that, do you understand me?", he spoke in a vicious tone, his face so close to her that she could smell the mint from his breath.

When there was no response from her, he banged his fist in the wall next to her head, making her flinch, and tears to start forming in her eyes. "Am. I. Understood?", he made each word clear by moving closer and closer to her until their nose were almost touching. She gave a meek nod in response, her mouth unable to form a coherent sentence due to pure and utter dread.

To someone else it must have looked romantic; a man caging her woman against the wall, ready to devour her, begging to lay the most passionate kiss against her lips. But only they knew how romantic it was, oh the irony.

Ezra was glaring daggers at Sofia while his ears were listening each and every syllable coming out of Nicholas's mouth. Sofia was on the verge of dropping on her knees and sobbing loudly from all the things Ezra had said to her in the span of 10 minutes.

Nicholas took a huge step away from her, his eyes assessing her from head to toe. Maybe Freya wasn't scolded enough or she still yarned for more, she decided to run her smart mouth which gets her in trouble numerous times. 

"What is she to you anyway?A better fuck than me or a whore who is ready to drop on her knees for you anytime?", she crossed her hands against her chest as if to show her confidence while in reality she did this to hide her trembling hands from his eyes.

Ezra had enough of Freys, he turned his eyes towards her, his sapphire blue eyes which were cold enough to freeze the entire of atlantica. He was about to forget his morals and deliver a great punch on her face when Nicholas's hand were placed on his chest to stop him from taking another step forward, his eyes not once wavering from hers.

"This whatever is between us...." he said pointing towards himself and her, "Is just for the sake of business deal between your and my father but don't even for a second think that I won't hesitate to lay a hand on you if you continue with your bullshit".

Freya's was now utterly annoyed and irritated by them defending this girl, and she made a promise to herself to destroy her.

"I know where you spend your spare time, with whom do you spend it with.....and also that what you do in it", his eye piercing hers, not the way it does with his Mia, no! but rather in a threatening manner.

"Is that a threat Nicholas?", she was now afraid. Afraid of the consequences. Afraid what her father would do to her when he gets to know that she broke his promise. 

"It isn't but you should take it as one unless you want you daddy dearest to know all about you secret rendezvous", a menacing smirk was now adorning his plump pink lips, his mind whirring with all the ideas to fuck her life, but he knew that he couldn't act on it, at least not until the end of the year when their father's deal finishes.

She was humiliated. As simple as that. She grabbed Sofia's hand and both of them took their leave.

As they left, both the men trained their eyes on each other, blues looking into greens. Both their stance were perfect and broad. 

Alone they can make anyone's life a living hell but together they were a force to be reckoned with. If they wanted, together they can make the burn to ashes under their feet and make the heaven bow down before them. 

They were the reason of any women's wet dreams, the reason of every men's envy, the villians in the deadliest of stories, the heroes who saves the world, they were the lucifer himself; the devil's carnation. Yet they can't help but be selfish and want Mia all to themselves.

Individually of course but what they didn't know that the moment their paths crossed, the were fated to end up with each other, that she didn't belong to one, but rather both of them.

They just didn't know it yet. 

The credit for this chapter goes to @MaleeleeMel.Thank you a lot for inspiring me.

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