33. I have a stalker

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The main song of this chapter is "Deja vu" by Olivia Rodrigo.


I was terrified.

It has been three days since I got that message, and that photo.....

After I received that message, I immediately blocked the number, I even went as far as changing my number and sim. I was pacing around in the balcony when another message came. With shaky hands and trembling fingers I opened the message. A shocking gasp escaped my lips when I saw that it was a photo of me, leaving my work place.

I had the keys of the shop in my hand and I was about to lock, it was taken from an angle which was literally in front of me. 

The image blurred as tears came into my eyes. 

I have a stalker.

'Don't cry! you are not a cry baby!', I scolded myself.

But no matter what the tears wouldn't stop coming, the thought of someone following me everywhere, taking pictures of me without my permission made me afraid of even stepping a foot outside my apartment. 

I was now walking towards my university. Usually it was me and Aaron, but yesterday he had gone to his grandmother's as she was sick. I kept walking, hurrying my pace. 

I heards a splatter and then sound of footsteps. 

Thup. Thup. Thup

I quickened my footsteps, willing myself to go quick. I took a peek behind my shoulders but no one was there.

I shook my head and continued walking, thinking that my delusional brain was once again playing sick tricks on me.

Thup. Thup. Thup.

I stood still. The sound of wind whooshing around me made this all a whole lot scarier. 

With a determined sigh I turned around and dashed towards the university. A scream escaped my lips as a hand held my shoulders in a firm grip. I tightly clenched my fist and swung my hand backwards, ready to attack my stalker. 

The same guy caught my wrist in a tight grip, my eyes widened as I saw the familiar face of the man.

"Victor? Oh my god! you totally scared me", I said with a hand on my chest, my shoulders relaxing an inch.

"Hey, we go to the same university so....", he lingered off, his eyes roaming all over me. I stood there dumbfounded, of course he could be on this way, afterall we were in the same university, but I never saw him around as he was in his junior year whereas I was still in my freshman.

"Yeah right", It was getting awkward, cause let's face it, I am really bad and small talking and even worse in socializing. 

"Do you maybe want to walk with me to the uni?", he asked scratching his neck, a nervous tick of his.

I thought about it and finally nodded my head, I mean what could go wrong? As far as I knew about him is just his name and age but if Aurora considered him as her friend then maybe he won't be bad after all.

A grin broke out on his face, the smile reached his eyes but they help something different....mirth? Mystery, and that too not the good kind.

I once again shook my head out of those thoughts, we walked side by side, him talking about his studies and parents whatnot while I simply listened.

He asked about my life but I just simply brushed it aside saying it was nothing special.

The gates of the Uni came into out view and we walked towards it, reaching the creek statue he stopped and turned towards me, a blush visible on his cheeks while he was fiddling with his fingers. I mentally raised a brow at that but said nothing.

"Do you- I mean..can you- ughh...will you give me your number?", he spoke hurriedly, his eyes wide waiting for my response.

My brows would have met my hairline from how shocked I was. He wanted my number.

He. Wanted. My. Number!

I debated giving him or not because as much as I trusted Aurora's judgement I could not go around trusting people, at least not the ones I rarely know.

He must have seen the conflicted look on my face because he pouted his lips and looked at me with puppy eyes and a pleading look.

Why does he want my number? I am just a nobody. The ordinary wavy long brown hair, plain brown eyes, small nose and slight plum lips.

It wasn't that I was ugly but I wasn't the most good looking girl out there, in my opinion I was just an average girl with far too much baggage and trauma of past.

See, simple.

With a reluctant sigh I nodded and gave him my number, while I mentally pleaded to the god up there that please don't let me face another betrayal.

He happily took my phone and added my number in him by calling him from my phone.

I knew that I could feel someone's stare on the back of my head, by the prickling sensation and the hair on my neck standing up, not in an unpleasant way....but in a rather in a tranquillized way.

I slightly turned my eyes towards the source of the stare.

Mr. Hernandez.

His cold blue eyes were on my and mine on him. I know that I shouldn't have these thoughts but I do, he was looking rather appeasing in the grey suit and a beige overcoat, he had clear framed reading glasses on his face and holy- mother of jesus if that didn't make him look mot hot then I don't know what did.

I was so lost in him that I did not realize the raven standing beside him.

An ache suddenly formed in my heart after seeing her kiss him, and he kissed her back....with his eyes on me.

Deja vu.

That's what I felt at that moment. First Mr. Rizzo and Freya in the hallways, now them.

The snapping of fingers in front of my face, turned my attention towards Victor. He still had that million dollar smile on his face but now his eyes held a different emotion. 

Something cruel lurked beneath those hazel irises. His smile which before looked victorious now looked just plain ferocious. 

It might as well be my imagination but for a second I saw Victor gaze at me, then at Mr. Hernandez. And his expression turned even more wicked if that was even possible.

The smile still remained on his face.

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