55. What else did she do?

90 5 0

The main song of this chapter is "Darkside" by Neoni.


I knocked on the door, waiting for him to tell me to come in. My palms were clammy and sweaty and my nerves were jittering.

"Come in.", his deep voice resonated from the inside.

I heistately opened to door, watching him work on his computer. I had his files in my one hand while in the other I was balancing the hot cup of coffee for him.

Black with one spoon of sugar and no cream.

"Here are the files you wanted, sir", I said placing the papers on his desk. He looked up from his laptop, eyes focusing entirely on me. Whenever he would look at me ti didn't feel like just looking at me. It felt like he was seeing through my skin and bones and looking straight at my very soul.

"Thank you. also, here is a notice, hang it on the billetboard.", he pulled out stak of some flyers from under his desk. I took them but in the process our fingers brushed against each other.

Cliche, I know.

But it seriously felt as if a spark or electricity emerged from there and spread into every part of my body.

Burying and seeping into my bone marrow.

Mingling and mixing in my blood.

Igniting and sizzling my heart.

I snapped my eyes over to him, only to find them already on me. I was so sure that it couldn't only be me who was having these kinds of feelings, it couldn't only be me who was affected by those small touched and passing glances, it couldn't only be me who was yearning for another taste of other's lips, it couldn't only be me who wanted that kiss again.

Our stared into each other, not wavering for even once. It was me who first looked away first, having too many feelings surge through me by this simple eye- contact, but then I realized, that nothing with him was simple, nothing with them was simple.

It was Extraordinarily.






"W-what", I cleared my throat and asked. "What are these about?", I asked pointing towards the flyovers.

"They are to inform students about a trip which will be happening next month. Those who will score above 85% will get the chance to go on it. Other's can come but they would them have to pay on their own. The students with 85 above will get free trip from 'The Green's way' company, out of that, only the top ten would be selected", he finished explaining, looking all glorious in his infamous black suit. 

My eyes raked up and down him, trying to look at him as discreetly as I could but it wasn't as he cough on to what I wa doing. He coughed and sharply looked at me, thought a fragment of amusement lingered in his eyes.

I smiled at the idea of the trip. It would be great to go there, I mean yeah I am not the topper student but my grades are never under 90. So surely I would be able to secure a position in it. 

"Where is this trip?", I asked intrigued.

"France", my eyes bulged and it took everything in me not to squeal out loud. France?! I am sure my facial expression would have been comical as Mr. Hernandez's mouth quirked up a little before he bowed down his head a little to stop me from seeing his smile. But I was too lost in this amazing news to caught onto that.

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