70. Broken beyond repair

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The main song of this chapter is "Lovely" by Billie Eilish and Khalid.

3rd person POV.

"Okay, so what did you want to say sir?", she was sweating...cold sweat, from how much she was anxious and worrying. She wanted to get this over with and just go, because in the end it will be her heart broken, no matter what.

"We know that it is wrong that we kissed and also that it is forbidden, but the truth is that the kiss wasn't just any mistake or on a whim, nor was it in the spur of the moment. The kiss was genuine and real... just like my and his, our feelings for you. It is-"

"Oh just get on with it already, we like you. Both of us Amelia. We have since the day you came into that auditorium and laid eyes on us. Those feelings are not going away as much as we know that they are wrong. The right choice would be to let you go but the wrong yet selfish choice would be to give this a chance and see where it goes. When it comes to you, we are ready to be wrong and selfish if it means that we get to have you as ours. So...what do you say? Will you give this a chance? Will you give us a chance?"

By the end of what Nicholas said, Amelia has tears in her eyes. She couldn't believe her ears that they had liked her. That they had liked her all along and she had no idea. Ezra too couldn't believe the way those sincere and pure words came out of Nicholas's mouth. 

Both of them watched her for reaction and rused by her side as one tear fell down her eyes. Nicholas held her face in his hands like a fragile object and gently wiped her tears while Ezra cradled her from behind, holding her waist. 

Amelia had her eyes close as she socked up their words. She waited for the dream to get over, she waited for them to vanish in the air or laugh at her saying how naive and gullible she was to think that what they said was true. She waited for anything or anyone to come and tell her that it was a dream or a joke, because this all felt too much of a dream to be called reality. 

Her entire life she had been deprived of love and care but now that those two men were ready to shower her in it, all she had to do was give them her answer and she will be theirs and they will be hers. She didn't realise she was crying until more and more tears came out of her eyes. 

"Hey, hey...what happened? Was it too much? We are sorry to overwhelm you.", Ezra's face morphed from happiness to concern. The happiness was still present there, but it was clouded by the clouds of concern for her as her tears poured down like rain. 

She shook her head, eyes still closed. She took a shaky breath in and placed her hand on Nicholas's and slowly, with agony in her veins she removed his from her face. More tears formed in her eyes as to blur her from seeing their reaction at what she was gonna say next. "Sir, please get away from me."

Both Nicholas and Ezra stared at her in shock. Did she need some space? Was that why was asking them to step away from them? Right? It couldn't be that she didn't feel the same and felt disgusted by them...right?

He did as she asked reluctantly, Ezra untangled himself from her and Nicholas took a step back, his hand falling from her face. "W-what is the matter? please, talk to us.", Nicholas pleaded.

She turned her face in different direction and got prepared for what she was about to say next. Her heart was clenching inside her chest from the pain which was about to come over her. "I don't feel the same way. All that happened until now was just a silly mistake. I don't feel anything for you sir, both of you. It was just me fooling around, you know like a normal college girl.", she had to swallow the huge lump in her throat which constricted her from saying anything else but she had to. She knew that what she said it wasn't enough and she had to say more if she wanted them to finally leave her for good.

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