52. The talk about saturday

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The main song of this chapter is "Lover" by Taylor Swift.


Everything is okay. Everything is okay. Everything is okay. That's what I was chanting while standing outside Mr. Hernandez's office. 

It was monday, and also my first day as his assistant. The whole weekend I have done nothing but overthink about saturday. Everytime I closed my eyes, the kiss would replay on my mind as if it was the first time. His touch, his taste and his gentle caresses still lingered in my thoughts.

'This was a mistake'

That's all he said. I mean don't I just deserve a little more explanation than that? The rejection didn't hurt as much as him saying that it was a bloody mistake did.

I opened the door to his office, the cool metal against my palm did nothing to lessen my nerves. Upon opening the door the first thing I noticed was that his office was clean Clean as in not a single thing was out of place and not a speck of dust was visible.

He was sitting on his chair, his back turned towards me as he was looking for something in the shelves behind him. I entered and gently closed the door, skipping the idea of locking it. Being in a confided space with him didn't settle right with me. Especially since our little escapade on saturday.

This morning I debated on resigning as his assistant. Hell I even debated on whether to come in university today or not. "S-sir you coffee"

He stopped his movements for a moment and then resumed doing his work, unfazed and unwavered. I stood idly in the middle of the room, eyes roaming over each and every artifacts and books. He had a huge shelf in the right of the office, maroon rug under my feet, a mahogany desk where his computer was set with some papers and a lamp. A small chandelier hung over the ceiling, giving a soft and warm glow over the room. Honestly his office looks like something from 19th century. But somehow it suited him.

"Put it on the desk", his deep voice reverberated through the room.

I nodded but then remembered he couldn't see me as he was still turned around so I went ahead and placed it on his desk. "What do you want me to do today, sir?"

"I want you to go over the list of paychecks which haven't been given yet. Give me the names of those teachers and write the amount which has to be given. You will get it after adding their yearly payments", finally his eyes shifted to mine but something felt at odd. 

His eyes which seemed familiar now seemed cold and distant. He was still professional as before, but he looked a little a ease and now ne looked aa if he wanted to get as far away from me as possible. I knew the reason And I also knew the consequences we would have to face if this news got out but it was just us who knew it happened, no one else. And as far as I know it won't be us telling anyone about it. 

I don't expect anything to happen between us again. He has a girlfriend who is far more mature, beautiful and everything that I am not but what I do expect is for him to behave at least friendly. Not the man I feared before.

"Okay", he grunted in acknowledgement. I took that as my que to take the papers and start getting to work.

We worked side by side in utter silence aside from him occasionally asking about how much I had left to complete. Everytime he asked this, the same question rung in my head. 'Was he this impatient to make me leave the office?'

I was on my last file when he spoke again for the 5th time. "How much work is left, Ms. Blackwood?"

And that was it. "Don't worry Mr. Hernandez. The work is done, I'll be out of your hair now"

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