6. I am finally free.

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The main song of this chapter is "Fix You" by Cold play.



Okay...so today's the day when I get my acceptance letter from Greenwood University. I have applied there and my list was on the waiting list, then they informed me that I'll get a letter to let me know if I have been selected or not. I have applied for a full scholarship considering my parents aren't gonna pay for that. 

Other parents know their child's first, second up to the last choice of university, mine don't even know which grade I am in let alone the choice of collage. 

My situation at home still isn't better than before the difference is that my mom now openly brings different man home every other night and that my dad sometimes join her and other times just fights, yells, breaks furniture....and my bones.

My sister is still favored over me just cause I am adopted even though she spends a lot of money on stupid things and has knowledge less than a 6 grader even though she is 3 years older than me. She is the spoilt princess, pampered over a small cut while I am the waste of space daughter who gets fracture and no one even bothers to check up on her. 

Currently I am standing at the coffee booth of 'Heavens cafe', where I work as a barista, trying to earn a little money for myself. Everything I earn is taken by my parents and sister; mother for drugs, yeah a new hobby of hers, father for alcohol and Olivia for boyfriend.

The manager of of this cafe likes me enough to put up an extra shift or two earn some more cash.

'Ding', the cafe door chimed, signaling that someone entered the cafe. 

"Yes ma'am how can-"

Interrupted a familiar voice, "Oh shush darling, you got a letter from.....", Lucy, the owner of the cafe squinted her eyes to read better, the letter in her hand, "Yeah, Greenwood University, isn't that the university you applied for....", her words blanked out as soon as the name 'Greenwood University' left her name.

I walked out of the booth and took the letter from her hands, anticipation coursing through my veins. My fingertips buzzed with excitement. My heart was beating so loudly as I held my future in my hand. I carefully opened the letter, hands trembling.

Upon opening the letter, I closed my eyes, Exhaled and then opened my eyes. I read it aloud, loud enough for Lucy to hear.  "Good morning Amelia, this letter is to inform you that you have been accepted to Greenwood University". I squealed loudly and hugged Lucy in a tight embrace.

Tears of happiness escaped from my eyes and I let them. It felt like I was trapped in my own happy bubble. A very happy feeling was inside me, one which I haven't felt in a very long time. For the first time in a while a huge grin tugged on my face, one which didn't feel forced or fake. This moment was truly surreal and it will be captured in my heart forever.

Beside me Lucy was smiling just as broadly as me. She is like mother to me, she filled the empty void in my heart, left by my mother. Her smile radiated adoration, proudness and admiration. 

I am going to Greenwood University...THE GREENWOOD UNIVERSITY! I squealed for the second time. After a few more minutes of talking with Lucy, I resumed with my work. At the end of the day I was exhausted and in a dire need of good sleep.

I locked the cafe on my way out and resumed my 15 minutes walk to my house. The wind blew softly, making my hair blow in every direction. I had a small smile on my face; contentment, that's all I felt.

The moment was soon shattered as my house came into the view. Over the time of two years it had grown more dusty, cracked and in need of renovation. The swing on the porch was hanging by just one screw, the steps were broken, the lawn had weeds in it. Shaking my head, I opened the door using the spare key.

I quietly tiptoed upstairs in my room, which was basically an attic. I knew that my parents wouldn't let me go to the Uni, with that thought in my mind I took out my old duffle bag, and packed my clothes in it, and changed my cafe's uniform to a plain skinny jeans and a long white v-neck t-shirt. The weather was freezing as it was December, so grabbed my pea colored coat and went downstairs.

No one was there so I quickly wore my shoes, just as I was about to go out the door a voice came from behind causing me to freeze in my place, "Going somewhere Amie baby", came the gruff voice of my dad. 

To say I was terrified would be an understatement, my body went into a state of panic. Without thinking twice I opened the door and ran but somehow he caught my ankle, causing me to loose my balance and fall face front on the porch steps.

Wind got knocked out of my body as my ribs crushed against the sharp end of the steps. A strangled cry left my lips, tears pricked at the corner of my eyes from how hard it was paining.

'I can't give up now', I thought to myself and with that I pushed my body up with all to strength in my body. I stood up and twisted my body in my father's direction, mustering up all the force I delivered a strong kick in my father's face.

 Maybe it was alcohol or the force of the kick, but he was knocked out cold. I felt a wave of proudness float within me and then adrenalin as I saw my mom's car approaching.

I started running and pumped my legs as fast as I could. The streets blurred as I ran and ran without a care in the world, with only one thought in my mind.....

I am finally free.

A/N. Hey guys how was the chapter? So Amelia has finally been accepted in the university and she's gonna start a new journey. comment your thoughts on that . See ya in the next chapter.

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