46. Rekindling with the past

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There isn't a song for this chapter so here's a quote.

"The mistakes of the past are the results seen in the future. Cause scars heal but memories don't"


"Do we need eggs?", I asked picking out some cartoon of eggs from the rack. Currently Coco and I were grocery shopping, usually it's her and Aaron who went to shop but since I forgot her name, I got dragged here against my will. Fair enough I guess.

"Duhh...we had cornflakes this morning for gods sake. Of course we need them or did you forget that just like you forgot my name?", she asked innocently fluttering her lashes.

I groaned aloud at that. She has been giving me those jabs since the past 2 days.

I was calling her to ask if she wanted me to bring some food from the diner when she said that 'We ordered Burger and fries, you know in case you forgot'

Or the other day when I was sitting on the sofa doing my assignment on the laptop, my textbook was on the table near Aaron, I commonly said that 'Could you pass me that book, Aaron?', and Coco could not just resist herself 'Ohh my goodness! It's just me whose name you can't remember'. Aaron laughed at that but covered it up as a cough when I glared at him.

"Would you please stop!! Look I am sorry for forgetting your name but the only time I have called you Heather was when I was outside the door carrying my luggage and then you told me to call you Coco. Guess it just stuck with me", I said with guilt evident in my voice. 

She was probably right to be angry with me. Hell she had every right to. Who forgets their best friend's name? That too when you are their roommate living with them 24/7.

"Hey I am just teasing you. I should be the one to say sorry after giving you so much shit about it" she came up beside me and held my hand, a smile on her face.

"No but Coco-"

"No buts. Look at it that way, it will be a story which we will reminisce in future and laugh at. It will be like 'Remember the time when Amelia forgot Heather's name? Yeah that was hilarious", that brought a laugh out of me. 

"You are too good", I said while taking her in a hug.

"Oh I know", she said with a wink and returning my hug.

"Now...what else do we need?", I asked checking the list on my phone. 

"Bacons, milk, bread and some vegetables. Everything else is good"

We went in the dairy section and she was looking for milk while I searched for whole grain bread. Someone tapped me from behind, I turned around only to be left stunned. My breath got stuck in my throat after seeing who it was.

"M-mr. Potter?', I said with trembling lips. Standing proudly with a smile on his face was none other but my neighbour who lived beside my old house.

Who lived beside my dad and mom.

"Yeah! Glad you remember me. I was just going through some things when I saw you. I thought that I knew you but when I saw those familiar brown hair I knew for certain that it was none other but my little Leah" He spoke with happiness evident in his voice. 

But was I relaxed? No dear god, I was far from it. 

Looking at him I realise how much he has changed, he had some greying hairs, a well kept trimmed bread, tall height of 6'1 something, 'Not as tall as Mr. Hernandez or Mr. Rizz', I unconsciously thought. He had a bit of belly, huge muscles and the southern tan, but looking at his age he was an okay looking man. Someone would surely find him attractive, but right now all I found was dread.

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