32. The brave son

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The main song of this song is "Running up that hill" by Kate Bush.


I was nine when I got my nose broken for the first time. I was swinging in the park when I slipped and fell on the ground, breaking my nose. My nanny, who was seated on the wooden bench, came rushing towards me, checking and turning my face in different directions to see if I was injured or not.

I remembered it hurting like hell, the maroon red blood dripping down my chin, and staining my favourite white t shirt. But what I do not remember is crying. I did not shed a tear even when the burning antiseptic was poured over my knees because of that incident. 

When the doctor finished patching me up, my father arrived in my room, still dressed in his suit coming straight from the university. He did not spare me a glance but asked the doctor about my health,"You are such a brave son sir, many of the childrens coming here have cried over a small needle but you son handled it like a brave man", said the doctor.

That's when my father looked towards, and for the first time I saw proudness shining in his eyes. His face was passive but his eyes they showed proudness, he even patted my back that day,saying something along the lines of being his good boy.

The nine years old me was ecstatic to have finally gotten the attention of my father. And from there I did everything to make my father proud.

Scholar of the class? Always.

The president of the students committee? My whole high school.

Graduate on top of my batch? Happily.

I even went as far as punching the reporter who wrote ill about my father once in his magazine, but that was when I was 17.

Now that I look at myself in the past, all I can think about is how naive I was too follow around my father and do things on his whim just to please him. 

There was a time when he was my idol, when he was all I wanted to be and achieve in my life. 

The picture perfect image of him shattered into pieces when the 19 year old me came from college, only to find my father naked in the office, his member buried inside the vagina of his assistant.

Their moans and groans of pleasure disgusted me, but the momentarily shock of the knowledge that my father was cheating on my mum was too big to overcome.

I was standing and staring at him looking horrified being caught by me as he finished and pulled out the condom, how he ran around to catch his clothes and pull them on, the wandering gaze of his assistant on me, the taunting and seductive smirk on her face, nor did I forget the sting on my face when he suddenly slapped me.

A moment. That's all it took for me to realize that he has slapped me.

My father. Slapped. Me.

Of course I could not have done anything other then stand as watch him mutter to himself that what a disgrace of a son I was to enter his office without knocking. 

I was too terrified. Terrified by the mental image of my effigy breaking in front of me. I turned around and left his office, the sting still familiar in my mind.

I rubbed me palm over my face, an exhausted sigh leaving from me. 

I was sitting in my chair, going over the accounts and management of the university though my mind was occupied somewhere else. The ring from my phone caught my attention, turning it on my mood instantly soured after looking at the caller id on it. 


Of course it had to be him. I debated leaving it ringing but no matter what I could not make myself do it. It wasn't the first and it certainly won't be the last.

"Yes, father?", I said in a monotonous voice.

"Morning son, your mother wishes to have a dinner together at 7 tomorrow, don't be late", by mother he meant Bella. He woman he cheated on mom with, the thought of them was alone to make me nauseated.

"I can't, the university needs my attention right now", I tried to get out of the dinner, because I did not want to be in the same room as him, Bella with her 7 months pregnant belly and my stepsister Alyza who was nothing less than a rich spoiled girl.

It seems like he did not buy my reason, "No excuses. I gave you that position and I can take it back just as easily", he couldn't actually. 

Now that he resigned out of his position he could no longer have in a say in what happens in the board meeting, much less decide my position as the principal but I let him have this delusion.

No need to have a growing headache on an already present one.

"Yes, I'll be there", I replied with a defeated sigh. 

I ended the call and right then my eyes fell on a photo frame. It was of me and my friend Dante. He was with me throughout my highschool and college days.

 No one knows me better than the man, now that he has opened his office 'Behind the scenes', which is basically an investigation office, where you can get the background checks, live location and every illegal thing you want on a person. 

You name them and the next moment you'll have a whole file on them. 

The government knows about this and they work in a systematic manner where he would help them out and in return they would let it all pass. 

A bulb clicked inside my head, I quickly unlocked my phone and dialed Dante's number.

After a few seconds he picked up.

"I thought you were dead man", were his first words. My lips quirked up at that.

"I am, satan's sitting on my left having a talk about the upcoming halloween party with lucifer", I snipped back in sarcasm.

He laughed aloud, the sound of his manly and husky laugh was so nostalgic.

"Ohhkayyy....how did you call me then?", he went right to the point after knowing how serious I was because I have known this man for 15 years and never once have I called him.

"I need a file on someone"

"Who?", the sound of him opening his laptop reached me, knowing him he would send me the information in less than 5 minutes, I didn't have second thoughts about him, but rather the name I was about to take.

"Amelia Blackwood"

A/N. so guys...this is the first time I have written from Ezra's pov, let me know in the comments how it was. I am gonna tell you a little about Dante in the next chapter. Until then don't forget to like and comment.

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