5. learn your lesson

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The main song of this chapter is "summertime sadness" by Lana del Rey.


2 years ago.


There are many times when I have feared for my life, the times are countless but there are only a few times when I have actually felt terror through my bones in my bones marrow.

While looking into dad's eyes, I should have felt adoration, but instead I felt pure unfiltered fear.

He twisted my arm in the opposite and I am certain that I heard a cracking sound.

"You have to learn your lesson. You must be taught bitch!" He spat at me.

He turned my face towards him and slapped me so hard that my ears started ringing and I lost my senses for a moment. The sound of that slap echoed in the silent house so loudly that I doubt my mother hadn't heard it.

But ofcourse she wouldn't come down, just like every other night.

He grabbed a fistful of my hair and tugged on them causing a few strands to break out. My scalp was stinging with pain.

"Please dad! Please, please, I won't come late again", I begged with tears streaming down my cheeks.

He bent down, swept a hand over my head and asked in a sweet voice, "Is there any food left for me?"

I shook my head in no,already knowing that his reaction won't be merciful. He growled and banged my head against the floor. The pain was so blinding that at this point I was full on sobbing. Screams of agony were coming out of my mouth but he wasn't done with me.

He stood up, swung his leg back and kicked me with all his force. I screamed and screamed. He kicked once, twice and thrice. Each time with more force. At this point I am preety sure a few of my ribs were fractured.

I screamed and pleaded him to stop. I screamed until my throat was scratchy and raw. The tears were coming out non stop. I shut my eyes closed and curled up into myself, willing for the pain to stop.

For a few moments nothing happened so I opened my eyes to see him coming out of the kitchen with a carving knife in his hand.

"No, no, no d-dad please...please I won't do it again. I am s-sorry dad....please.", my pleads were unheard.

"Turn over", came his sharp order.

"No..dad, please please leave me. Forgive me please", I spoke while sobbing my heart out.

He shook his head in a mocking manner. He grabbed my shoulders and forcefully turned me on my stomach with my face pressed into the floor and my hands gripped tightly behind by back with his one hand and with his other he used the knife to tear my t-shirt.

I was frantically moving my hands and legs, trying to get him off of me.

He ripped open my t-shirt, I felt the tip of the knife press against my back, drawing out blood making more fresh tears come out.

Then I did the one thing I never thought I would. I called my mother for help, knowing that I lied to my father about her being out. But at this time couldn't care less. I just wanted to pain to stop. I wanted to feel numb.

"Mom!! Please I know you are up there!! P-please help me m-mom", I yelled out, my through seemed to protest as it was aching.

"Oh so you were protecting your 'mommy dearest'. You are a very bad girl. You lied for her because you love her, but do you know what you are?",  He came near me and asked my in a hushed tone.

It was a hypothetical question, one which didn't need an answer from me.

"Do. You. Know. What. You. Fucking. Are?!" He made each word clears by pronouncing it and banging my head against the floor. Blood was dripping down my head.

I was a sobbing mess.

"N-no", I cried out.

"You are unloved–", he fake gasped."–and do you know what unloved girls get? No? Tattoo to remind her of what she is", I could hear the disgusting smirk in his voice.

My stomach flipped, knowing that he is going to carve something on my skin. No god please no....I bawled my eyes out. Thrashing around but I was too weak and he is too strong.

I first felt the agonizing pain on my back, then the feel of blood dripping out of the wound and then....numbness. That one feeling which I am in a desperate need of right now.

After a few painful moments which felt like an eternity he stopped, then very slowly took the knife out, making sure to twist it and got off of me.

I lay there, still on my stomach. Unable to move any of my body. I was bruised, batterd and utterly tired.

Dark spots started to cloud my vision, making me drizzy. My head started to spin. Maybe because of exhaustion or from the blood loss.

Whatever the reason be, I wish to sleep. I wish for the darkness to come and elope me into its comforting nothingness.

Maybe I am not asking for sleep, but for death. Isn't death a sleep?, just a very, very long one. The sleep which would swallow you whole and give you peace, not the one which would give you the illusion of it, and when you wake up nothing has changed, your life is still miserable, you are still caged, and on top of it all, you are still unloved, uncared for.

'No Mia! You are stronger than this. You have to live, there's a lot which you haven't seen yet. You have to fight and stay alive. All good things come with patience', I almost want to laugh at the absurdity of my thoughts.....almost.

I try to stand, first move my hands, then my legs and 'thump', I fell, on my ribs, a scream escaped my lips.

Seeming to give up, I closed my eyes and forgot about the world.

Darkness, here I come.

A/N. I hate her father!! I mean he treated her just so wrong. And her mother?? Don't even get me started on her. Was this chapter too much gruesome?? To horrid? Comment your thoughts. Until next chapter.

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