61. Come out here

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The main song of this chapter is "Side to side" by Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj.


Aaron was nowhere to be seen.

The teacher had called his name five times, I have called his phone 10 times and Aurora eight times. After 14 texts, 20 missed calls and another 10 calls we assumed that he will not be coming.

The reason? Unknown.

Just as we were about to climb on the bus, the door of the backdoor opened and in came Aaron. Sprinting while carrying his bags.

His hair were disheveled, shirt unbuttoned and laces untied. The students all laughed after watching him trip twice on his feet and almost faceplanting himself on the concrete floor.

"I- I am...oh god! I am h-here..hah", he was wheezing while sucking in deep breaths and coughing. Sweat clung to his body and clothes while he tried to breath like a normal human being.

"Mr. Donovan, do you have a watch?", asked Mr. White coming to stand in front of a crouching Aaron.

He tiredly lifted his head up and exhaled out a breath. "Y-yes sir, why?"

"Then you should know that you are very much late", scolded Mr. White. He had his arms crossed across his chest and was looking at Aaron with a stern expression.

"Um...it's better late then never?", Aaron muttered scratching his head with a sheepish smile.

Mr. White rolled his eyes while a few other guys chortled around us. "You tell that to the flight attendant if we get there late because of you." he gave a sarcastic smile and went back towards the teachers.

One by one, every students climbed into the bus, leaving their luggage in the compartment of the bus. 

"Where the hell were you, you dumbass?", I angrily whispered out to Aaron and we waited to enter the bus.

"Yeah! Do you know how worried we were?", Aaron questioned Aurora from behind who was standing in front of me.

"Um...to study for the test and get selected to go to France only to not come on the last minute?", Aurora shrugged. "Don't change the topic. Answer Leah."

Aaron impishly scratched the back of his neck, head bowing in embarrassment. "IwashavingsexwithCoco", he muttered out hastily in a Flash kinda speed.

Both mine and Aurora's brows scrunched up in confusion. "You know, now that you are here you don't have to hurry. Chill and answer properly."

"Um...you see...Well I was- what do you..shit-"

"Okay let me rephrase my words, I mean chill not talk at the speed of a sloth from that movie 'Zootopia'.", I gave him a sarcastic smile and nod to speak up.

"I was having sex with Coco", Aaron muttered out so lowly that neither of us could hear it.

Having enough of it, Aurora slapped him on his head. A grunt followed by a wince came from Aaron. "What was that for?", Felt like Deja vu.

"That was for being a wuss. Now speak up slowly and properly."

"Okay okay...I was having sex with Coco", he rubbed the spot where Aurora hit him and casted his eyes down. Both Aurora and I looked at him gobsmacked. Eyes wide. Jaw on the floor. Thinking about how their common sense flew right out of the window.

"At 5 in the morning?!", I screeched out but then remembered that there are people around us so I lowered my voice a little. "You and her had sex at 5 in the morning? What in the name of god?!"

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