29. I just need yes

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The main song of this chapter is "Ava" by Famy.

3rd person Pov

There were many different types of pain in the world. The pain inflicted on you by your loved one, then there was one which was inflicted themselves, the pain which is sudden or the one which slowly consumed you and make you beg for it to end even if it means death, but above that seeing Amelia in pain was the worst kind for both the men.

They watched as helpless sobs and whimpered escaped from her while her precious eyes leaking tears which they wanted to wipe this instant, but they knew that they couldn't.

Maybe it was the other man standing and observing them or maybe they were not ready to cross these boundaries from the fear of how Amelia would react.

"H-hurts" was all she could get out but that one world said everything they needed to know.

Their girl was in a lot of pain. 

Though both man did not discuss the huge elephant in the room, that they both may or may not like Amelia in a way that no teacher should. Sometimes saying things meant coming to terms with that yes, it was real. With that they ignored it.

With determination coursing through his veins Nicholas swept his hands over her ribs, making sure not to apply much pressure. He knew that he had to remove her shirt partially to know the extent of the damage, so with that he spoke.

"I need to lift your shirt Amel- Ms. Blackwood", he quickly corrected himself, not wanting erase those flimsy boundaries between them. 

Amelia did not want that. Not. At. All.

Not because she was terrified of them taking advantage of her or maintaining the professionalism. But rather the fact she was about to expose all her scars to the men that she barely knew. that a glimpse of her past would be laid out before them which would ultimately lead to many questions but she could not find it within her to care about them seeing her at such vulnerable state. 

Maybe it was the pain making her do it, maybe her mind playing sick tricks on her,or maybe her emotions were too numb to care for it right now. But deep in her heart she knew that it wasn't at all about that. Within just a short amount of time she had started to trust them, not entirely but a little by little. 

Sure they did not talk much and all the conversations with Me. Hernandez ended in an argument which ultimately she would lose but deep down the feeling of trust and the warmth radiating off of them made her want to lay there exposed in front of them because she knew that they would never judge her badly. 

With that she made her decision, but she had to be considerate of his feelings too cause what if he wanted to be strictly a teacher and lifting his student's shirt was against his moral code but he had to do it because he feels pressured and compelled to do so.

"I mean if you w-want.....if y-you can-"

"I just need your yes", she was cut off by the unwavering voice of Nicholas, his eyes not straying from hers.

She nodded at that but he was not having it, "Verbal answer Ms. Blackwood", he urged her.

"Yes, Mr. Rizzo"

With that he took out some medical scissors and started cutting from the hem of her t shirt. His eyes focused on her, her eyes focused on Ezra and his eyes staring straight back into hers. He was perched on the edge of his table, arms crossed in front of his chest, and looking intently at the scene playing in front of him. 

He wanted to go there while Nicholas was treating her, he wanted to hold her hand and give her support, then after she is treated he wanted the one to comfort her in his arms, and oddly he wouldn't mind having Nicholas in his other arm. 

He quickly shook those thoughts away, not wanting to indulge and entertain those reckless and not to mention far fetched stupid ideas. 

It was a lot of herd work for Nicholas to not stray his eyes from her injury. Sure he has treated many other in the past as it was a requirement to graduate the med school, you ask what is different now? Well for starters he did not have the annoying and impulsive urge to kiss and devour any of his patient before, and he certainly did not have those for his student. 

He had cut off half of her t shirt, just enough to see her lowest rib which was sprained or god forbid cracked. He rubbed hid palm together and them put one on her abdomen. 

Tingles erupted on the skin they touched, his hand was warm and soothing as compared to her cold and silky skin.

She shivered, the reaction which did not go unnoticed by either men. Nicholas's eyes momentarily darkened with the urge to roam his hands all around her, not missing even an inch, while Ezra was too focused on the scene playing in front of him. In other circumstances he would have done something worse, like commanding both of them to kiss while he watched from afar, taking pleasure from it.

But that was the old Ezra, the one who would dominate in bed, the one who would take pleasure from the whips struck on his partner's skin, the one who would make the punishment feel as a reward, he was gone. Not entirely, but he was buried deep within the facades put up to maintain the picture perfect image.  

He had left that all in his past, the past which could not be buried for too long. A whimper from Amelia caught his attention, before he could comprehend what he was doing, his legs moved and he knelled beside her, taking her soft hand in his calloused ones.

She visibly relaxed and applied pressure on his hand, squeezing it hard.Nicholas looked up and saw Ezra beside him, he gave the older man a nod and lifted up her shirt a little.  

His hand froze, both of their eyes widened from seeing the condition of her abdomen. 

Black, blues and purples with yellow scattered all over them.

A/N. Hey it's me! So how is it going so far? What do you guys think about Nicholas and Ezra? And comment if you want to see their kiss a little faster then I intended to.

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