25. Falling is amusing

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The main song of this chapter is "Gorgeous" by Taylor Swift.


For other's the class went just normal, cause I knew that the moment the door opened, and to students swarmed in, something clicked inside him, and a wretched feeling set inside me. Throughout the lesson he refused to make eye contact with me, even went as far as not looking in my direction.  

He asked a question about Golgi bodies but I raised my hand, perhaps to entertain the idea of him ignoring me, but mostly to come to realization that yes, he is deliberately ignoring me. 

Raising my hand, I followed his every movement with my eyes.

The way he looked in my direction.

The way his green eyes clashed into mine.

The way he debated inside him whether to diminish this ignoring me thing or just continue with it.

The way he looked away from me, and asked a girl beside me to answer the question for the fifth fucking time.

A crack was heard inside me, I don't have any idea whether it was the sound of my hope shattering or my heart breaking into tiny pieces, which in the end of the day, I had to pick up and join together, while trying to keep my sanity intact.

I bowed my face down, not wanting him to see the hurt which I am sure would be clearly shown on my face.

I was listening to what he was saying, I was appreciating how deep and manly his voice was, but nothing was actually going inside my brain. It was like I was watching myself from another dimension, watching the world go around and revolve, leaving me behind in my own little world of misery.

After 15 minutes of so, the class finally came to an end, the students packed their stuff and hurriedly left the class, leaving me, him and the tension behind. 

I sighed and raked a hand through my hair. I too then packed my stuff and sat up from the rather stiff chair. I tentatively took some steps down and decided not to look in his direction.

But again my eyes couldn't seem to follow what my mind wanted because damn it, I looked up. 

He was watching me.

He was watching me with millions of emotions flashing through his eyes, coming and going too fast for me to catch up or act on them. 

'Look away! In the end, it's always you who gets hurt', I decided to comply.

I kept my eyes trained on the brown flooring of the room, not looking up at his devilishly gorgeous face which would melt my resolve of staying away from him.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I did not notice when my foot got caught up in the edge of the bench and I stumbled forward.

My already bruised ribs, painfully crashed with the pointed edge of the bench, I closed my eyes waiting to fall and more pin to come but instead I was met with none.

A strong pair of arms caught me in their tight and soothing embrace, preventing me too fall and injure myself more than I already did. The smell of sandal wood, peppermint and earth came in my nose, and I immediately knew who it was. 

Mr. Rizzo.

His hands were on my waist while I was holding onto his shoulders for dear life, which I literally was. Sparks irrupted as his fingers grazed the little skin which was uncovered between my jeans and t shirt. An army of butterflies flocked inside my stomach. I peeked opened my eyes only to look into the pool of those green orbs which letely seem to occupy my mind 24/7.

A smile came onto my face, even if I tried so hard to suppress it I couldn't. 

He saved me. He saved me. He saved me.

His eyes which were filled with various emotions now only held one.


Concern which was present there for my well being. Another smile bloomed onto my face after that thought. A frown marred his features, probably by thinking why I was smiling after almost falling and wounding myself.

"Is falling amusing to you Mia-I mean Amelia", his voice was filled with sarcasm though his eyes told another story. My heart did a little summersault at that nickname he gave me, didn't matter he corrected himself immediately after saying it. My cheeks turned a dark shade of pomegranate. 

He raised a brow at me, patiently waiting for me to speak up, little does he know that his close proximity is enough to make me forget how to speak, let alone form a proper sentence. 

"Just happy the I did not actually fall Mr. Rizzo", I muttered out an excuse.

He nodded at that, still holding me in his arms, Our faces just a little away from each other, if he leaned even a little closer, our mouth will meet in a very passionate kiss, and my first.

'What did I tell you? Don't friggin go there you fool'

He seemed to realise that too, as he abruptly removed his hands from around me and took a large step backward. He cleared his throat in an awkward manner, scratching the back of his neck, making sure not to look me in the eye.

I moved to take a step forward when a sudden pain irrupted in my ribs. I let out a little scream from how bad it was paining. It felt like someone was sawing and breaking my bones in half. The pain was so unbearable and overwhelming that I bent down to clutch my waist and fell on the floor.

Hot and fierce were rolling down my cheeks, I shrieked when someone touched my ribs. Mr. Rizzo cupped my cheek and turned my face towards his, his face now worrying about my wellbeing. He murmured things to me to make me feel safe, telling me that if was going to be okay while simultaneously dialing a number on the phone. 

My eyes widened knowing who he was going to call. During the whole excruciating pain I was only managed to get a few words out.

"D-don't call the a-ambulance".

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