68. The one lusting for principal

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The main song of this chapter is "Renegade" by Aaryan Shah.


It's been successful three hours.

Three hours till I had last talked with Mr. Rizzo or Mr. Hernandez. Though my eyes had begged me to look at them for once, I didn't. I had to be strong. We were all climbing on the bus, Mr. Hernandez standing at the banister of the bus while Mr. Rizzo beside him.

Lately it seemed as if they both had been inseparable. Like everywhere they were together, and if not them even from far they would have some sort of connection between them. Whether it be secret glances at me which I pretended not to notice, or the way they would constantly look at me, as if trying to figure out my sudden change of mood. 

But who would tell them that it wasn't my mood that changed, but rather the circumstances. 

I climbed the second stair, behind me just Aurora. A hand brushed my middle of the back, the touch so familiar that it warmed the place and marked it's touch. I took a step to my left to avoid his hand, making it fall to his side. A prickle of guilt managed to swam on the surface. Even after I removed his hand, I could still feel the feel of it. "Are you okay?", whispered Mr. Hernandez. 

I stared down at the ground, unable to look in their eyes because I knew, that one look and I would crumble down to their feet and vomit all the secrets and threats keeping me away from them.

Beside him, Mr. Rizzo patiently waited for my answer, a frown marring his beautiful face. Wondering what the hell was I doing. Without answering him, I climbed on and took a seat on the back, far away from them. 

The bus ride was silent, at least on my behalf. All the other students were laughing and talking amongst themselves, the teacher having pleasant conversation and them...constantly looking back, discrete but enough for me to see. 

"Hey, they are looking at you.", Aurora nudged me with her shoulder, a mischievous smile on her face. I turned to where she was looking and sure enough, both of them were looking at me. I quickly snapped my head in a different direction and once again pretended not to notice them. 

"Yeah.", I muttered in no interest whatsoever. It's not like I wasn't interested or anything, just that the less attention I pay on them, the less difficult it would be to forget them.

"What happened to you? You are never this quiet.", Aurora looked at me with concern, once again that guilt of worm wiggled it's way inside my head, I shook my head at her and looked out the window. She sighed, and started talking with Aaron. She told him something and soon they both were too looking in my direction now and then. I was fed up. I was fedup with this. So I did the one thing which I never had. I snapped. "What the hell guys? I am not feeling well. Can't you just leave me alone?!"

I expected so kind of expression of hurt on their face but what I didn't expect was suspicion. But for what? I closed my eyes and rested my heads against the seat. Maybe a little nap will help me settle my head. 


I was shook awake by Aurora as our hotel came in the view. With a yawn I picked up my bags but Aaron beat me to it. He carried mine and Aurora's bag alongside his. Always a gentleman. 

I followed behind Aurora and climbed down the bus, looking at the magnificent building in front of me. The guilt nagging in my mind didn't let me go, how could I after snapping on my friend for no apparent reason? "Um...Aurora, Look I am really really sorry for snapping at you back there. You were just trying to make a conversation and I like an asshole got angry at you for nothing. Ple-"

"Noo, noo need. Look, we all have our bad days. It's okay to loose control sometimes. Albeit you got angry for nothing but I understand you, the flight ride does this to people. People get cranky and you are the sweetest person, it's okay for you to get angry sometime.", she had a consoling smile on her face as placed her hands on my shoulders and squeezed them lightly. I sent a grateful smile her way and pulled her in for a hug.

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