43. The biker and the car

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The main song of this chapter is "Glimpse of us" by Joji.


I was on my bed, thinking about all the things that took place today. From me accepting the position as Mr. Hernandez's assistant, them openly complementing, getting asked out on a date with a guy whom I am slowly starting to dislike and on top of that crying in front of my two teachers.

Not to mention two very much hot, attractive and drool worthy teachers.

Definitely not my worst moments but yeah, worst nonetheless.

When we left the university, I started walking towards my home when a car pulled up beside me.

Mr. Hernandez.

At first I kept walking thinking that some creep was deliberately slowing down his car to drive it beside me, then I started running when he didn't stop.

I ran and ran until a black sports bike came and stopped in front of me. 

The driver was wearing a black helmet with the whole black gloves, and all. I squinted my eyes to see who it was but it was dark outside and his face wasn't visible due to his helmet.

I looked beside me and the window to the car rolled down, revealing a serious faced Mr. Hernandez and the biker removed his helmet, a grinning Mr. Rizzo looking directly at me.My jaw dropped and my eyes widened at that. I'll be lying if I said that I did not find it attractive, but I'll be damned if I said that the guy wasn't ten times attractive when I found it was none other but Mr. Rizzo.

If suit and glasses Mr. Rizzo was hot, then this biker one was the epitome of manliness and handsomeness.

"Get in the car", said Mr. Hernandez.

I looked at over him confused, why would he offer me a ride? I mean yeah I was his student but he did not have to care about me outside of University, right?

"Don't make me repeat it twice Ms. Blackwood. I won't hesitate to pick you up on my shoulders and throw you in the car if you don't buckle up this instant", he said with such seriousness that I was starting to believe that he would definitely not hesitate to comply on his threat.

But did I listen? Obviously not. 

"It's just 15 minutes away from here sir, it won't be my first time walking alone at this time", I said and continued walking, only to be stopped once again by the loud roaring sound of acceleration of Mr. Rizzo's bike.

God, I love that bike. 

"What do you mean it won't be your first time?", Mr. Rizzo frowned at me, his leather gloved hands running through his curls. And of course my attention was shifted to the movement of those long and skillful fingers gliding through those chocolaty mop of curly hair.

"Ms. Blackwood", Mr. Hernandez warned, his shap blue eyes cutting through my own. 

I gulped and answered, "I walk to school everyday. Same for walking back. I love walking in the fresh air, it clears my mind. It's nothing worry about actually, you see my house isn't that far and the street are crowded and the people are really nice-"

"The streets are deserted and the people are alleged murderers, thieves and rapists", Mr. Rizzo cut me off sternly with a glare. Though his expression was angry but it hald some kind of story or an incident behind it. Like he had a very huge reason behind this action of his.

 The glare, It wasn't directed at me but towards my stupid decision to walk alone at night when the only people crowding the streets were yellow crooked teeth druggies who lived on cocaine and thrived on lost girls by forcing themselves on them.

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