57. For better or for worse

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The main song of this chapter is "Memories" by Maroon 5

3rd person POV.

"This is your last warning Ms. Forbes. The next complaint I get from you will be the last time you will ever set foot inside this academy. My father did not built this university and it's reputation to be spoilt in dirt by some teacher like you who does not know the meaning of being ethical and professional in class and pick on students because of some stupid feud", by the end of Ezra's scolding he knew that the italian ,man was not very pleased with his decision, he knew that Nicholas wanted to fire Samantha but there is the matter of rules which states about giving 2 warnings before firing a teacher if the matter isn't much dire.

"Yes Mr. Hernandez. It will not be repeated. I will not do anything to Ms. Blackwood from now", these words tasted like ash on Samantha tongue. She hated being called on, and that too because of some wimpy preppy princess who can't handle a little scolding and challenges. 

Judging by the look on Nicholas, he was not at all pleased with the decision but he knew that he could not do anything about it. Hopefully she will stop picking on Amelia, otherwise it won't be just her job she will have to worry about.

With that she left the office, but not before looking at Nicholas with an expression which can be only classified as lust and want. Ezra saw that, and he had to physically stop his lips from tugging up in amusement. 

Just as the door to the office closed behind Samantha, Nicholas spoke up. "What if she does something else? What if she takes it up a notch? Then what?"

"Then I'll make sure that she will be removed from this university with guarantee of not getting a job anywhere else", Ezra replied calmly, fixing his tie.

Nicholas nodded and stood up to leave. "Oh and you have to come at the trip too"

"What? Why?", Nicholas grumbled out.

"Because you are the head of science department, your friend is the one who organized this trip, you are the teacher of the class which will be going, want me to continue?"

"No need, just...just arrange a comfortable ride. That's all I ask", Nicholas huffed out in defeat. He knew that no matter what he could not get put of this trip.

"Sure. Just give me your passport and I'll do the rest. And make sure to collect the passports of the students who will be coming", Ezra focused his attention back on his computer, an act of dismissal.

"Why me? Ask someone else to do it", Nicholas defied, crossing his arms against his chest.

Ezra rolled his eyes and looked over Nicholas. "Because I asked you to."

"And who are you to command me?"

"Your administrator and the one behind your paychecks? Enough reason.", Ezra tried not to get annoyed but that was not possible considering the fact that one of the most stubborn person was standing in front of him. To others he was one of the most easy going and carefree person but to Ezra he was a hot head and stubborn ass.

He would tell him he wants to go home. The answer? No.

Bring me the coffee? Make it yourself.

Attend a proxy lecture? Pay me Extra first.

He didn't know what their relation actually was. Aside from the teacher- principal relation, both the men knew that he had something totally different going on. Ezra didn't know when it changed. Perhaps it was when he and Nicholas trapped Amelia against the bathroom wall in the restaurant, or when they had her flushed between them in the class of perhaps...perhaps it was since the very first moment he saw Nicholas giving his speech on the stage and when he looked over at Amelia, Ezra too looked in that direction. Those brown eyes managed to capture and lure both the men towards her without knowing.

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