45. She high?

81 5 0

The main song of this chapter is "Boss bitch" by Doja Cat.


I am not ready for today. I am absolutely loathing and dreading today.

I was just coming from university when I got a call from my father informing me that he was sending his driver to come and pick me up for the dinner at their house. I had completely forgotten about it until he called.

I didn't want to go today but after blowing off my father the last 2 times, I did not want to test his temper. 

Not like he could do anything about his threats of removing me from my position in the university but that does not mean he won't try. It would attract unwanted attention and drama is the last thing I want in my life right now. 

I parked my car in the driveway and climbed up the stairs of my house. It was a three storey mansion with victorian style pillars on the side, a huge balcony above the entrance door, huge and clean glass windows showing bits and pieces of the interior.  

I walked up the stairs towards my room which was on the second floor. It was a master bedroom. The colour pallet of the room was in black, grey and in brown colour. I sighed and sat on my bed, my head in my head. Completely and utterly exhausted.

With a deep exhale I stepped into my shower. I stripped out of my clothes and threw them in the laundry bin. I turned on the hot water and stood under the shower. 

After a long and exhausting day, shower is the best part of my day. The hot and scorching water poured down my head and back releasing the tension beneath my muscles. When I had first moved in I was instantly captivated by this room and made it my mission to make the bathroom as relaxing as I could.  

The shower head was huge, so was the bathtub. Different kinds of shampoos and hair & skin products sat on the platform above the sink. 

After 15 or so minutes I took a clean whit towel off the rack and ties it around my waist. I took another one to dry off my hair as I stepped out of my bathroom, clouds of steam coming out of the shower.

I went in my walk in closet and picked out a white shirt with black slacks. I tied a belt around and tucked in my shirt. A few silver rings adorned my hands and some brown and black bracelets were tied around my wrist. With a silver chain around my neck I went out of the closet, taking my loafers on the way.

It may seem rich classy or snobby but I like to give attention to my appearance. Not in an overly manner but enough to look presentable everytime I go out. Hairs should be slicked back, shirt should be crisply ironed, face should be alive and posture should be straight. Things which were embedded into me by my father and were later developed due to my OCD.

I put my wallet in my back pocket and took my phone out of the charging. I locked my door behind me as the familiar black car parked into my driveway.

The windows rolled down, revealing a smiling George. He has been my father's driver since I was 10 years old. He used to be my friend growing up and more of a father figure than my own father.

He was the one who I went to when I lost my virginity. 

The one who was by my side to cure my hangover.

He was the one whom I went to talk about girls. 

"Hey George, how's it going", I said with a genuine smile while climbing in the backseat of the car.

"Great, but Betty's missing you son", he said while looking into the rearview mirror with a pointed look. I shook my head with a small smile. Betty is George's wife. She too works for my father as the chef in our home. They married 12 years ago and only I went to their wedding. Dad too busy screwing his whore of the week and mom at nana's house. 

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