10. Two fine specimen

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The main song of this chapter is "Harleys in Hawaii" by Katy Perry


With a sigh I entered the Uni, feeling the weight of thousand stares on me, I know that it's just my anxiety but still. The feeling of being unwelcomed crept inside me, knowing that's it's just delusion.

I quickened my steps, going towards the office to collect my schedule and syllabus. "Hey, are you new here?", I turned my face towards to new voice, finding it to be of a guy who was standing behind me, round glasses adorned her face with brown hairs, giving him the nerdy look.

I scrunched up my face in confusion, wondering why a guy was coming up and talking with me. At my old school, students tended to stay away from me due to the bruises and scars appearing on my body every next day, courtesy of my dear parents. Because of that I didn't have any friends.

"Umm...yeah, w-why?", I timidly asked. "Oh, you probably don't know me, I am Coco's boyfriend, Aaron", he spoke in a friendly manner with a smile on his face. My mouth formed an 'O' shape, face contorting into realization.

Coco didn't show me her boyfriend's photo, claiming that he'll come to me after recognizing, And I still don't know that logic behind it but sure, whatever.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Aaron. I am Amelia.", I said with a small smile.

"Let's go, we'll get you schedule and then I'll drop you to your first lecture."

We entered the huge doors, the floors were pristine white, as if they had been cleaned and washed using bleach. The teachers were preparing for their class and the students were going towards their class. Entering the office, there were a sweet old lady behind the counter, Mrs. Shrew. She is like a grandma to all the students and a great mentor, about which I was informed by Aaron.

My first class was Homeroom, during which the principal are going to welcome the new students and introduce to teachers, including informing us about how we are going to progress.

Me and Aaron walked side to side, and went towards the common hall, it was filled with crowds of students, teachers and some other donors of the school.

"Aaron, can you give me a little insight on here?", I asked, trying to make a conversation and also because I was a little curious. He faced me, with a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Now that's interesting, okay, that group is the whole elite group...", he said pointing towards a group of people, wearing expensive designer clothes, iPhone in their hand and kissing and flirting with their partners, faking an obnoxious laugh at something that someone said, I scrunched up my nose in distaste. Aaron laughed at my reaction before continuing.

"That is the studious group, that one's daddy's richy bitchy kids-", I laugh at his nickname.

"Then there are the looser, the toppers and the badboys wannabee, That's all ma lady", He bows dramatically causing me to chuckle and him with me.

"So, how are the teachers?",

"They are nice, some are lenient, some are hella strict and some are just...okay", he said, making a face.

Before he could continue the speech was starting, a middle aged man came up on the stage and started the pleasantries. With a good morning and how are you's.

"Now students, please give a round of applause for our principal Mr. Ezra Hernandez.", the sound of clapping and cheering filled the hall.

Aaron leaned near me and said, "Our principal"s kinda-"

"Hot and sexy", said a girl next to him, with a beaming smile on her face, a look of admiration and want adorning it. I did not realize why she would say this until my eyes fell on the man now entering the podium.

My eyes were stuck on him and him only. Wearing a Black suite was a man who looked as if he was the epitome of Elegance, sexiness and handsomeness. The noise around me faded as he stood on the stage, his eyes a deep shade of.....blue? Just like the ocean. Deep and cold. Sweeping over everyone and everything. For a millisecond our gaze connected and that was enough for my breath to hitch.

He was about 6'3, oozing an aura of dominance and confidence, his stance perfect and bold. His jaw was tight and locked, face not showing any emotions. I am sure that if he stood absolutely still, then he would resemble a sculpture, sculpted by Michelangelo himself. Beautiful and precious.

"Welcome everyone, I am your Ezra Hernandez, the principal of this school. I want you all to know that this school has never failed to pave a path of success for any great person, only if you try hard equally......". I did not listed what else he said, my thoughts were all jumbled and mushed together, only one thought was on my mind, 'How can someone look THIS good?'.

I was shaken out of my thought when a new figure entered on the stage.

"This is Mr. Nicholas Rizzo, He is the head of your Science department", said Mr. Hernandez.

The new person-Mr. Rizzo was just as gorgeous as Mr. Hernandez. Not just me but every other girl, not to mention even the female teachers were ogling the two fine specimen standing on the stage. Both were blessed with faces that obviously belonged on the front page of a vogue cover, straight out of a New York runway, with no shame whatsoever.

My eyes seemed to be glued on their each and every moment, I couldn't comprehend the fact that these two handsome as hell man, were standing in front of me.

Mr. Rizzo had his eyes roaming everywhere but never quite stopping on me.

'Look at me, look at me, please, please', I chanted in my head, then suddenly his eyes landed on me, not just a passing stare, No!

He looked at me and then took a double take as if he couldn't believe what he saw. I saw his eyes widen for a fraction of second, but then I thought, 'It was just my delusional mind, making up scenarios'

But a thought kept nagging me at the back of my mind.....He looks familiar.

A/N. they finally appeared! I am super duper excited on how their journey is gonna progress, Comment your thoughts.

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