1. Is it ever changing?

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The theme song of this chapter is "Who Says" by Selena Gomez


2 years ago.

My whole life all I ever wanted was to be cared, cherished and to to truly loved by my family. But you see, that is hard to wish for considering I was adopted by Karen and James Blackwood when I was just 5 months old.

My parents said that my birth parents didn't want me because I was a mistake that should have never happened. Anyways that talk happened 5 years ago and let's just say that we all have been avoiding the topic. 

Back to my life, I am just laying in my bed at 5 in the morning, AWAKE! because my dad just came from the local pub, DRUNK!

"Karen babyy....y-you awake? c'mon gimme some food! B-bitch I'am talking to you! oh fuck you Amie babyy..won't you come and give your daddy something to eat?" He slurred and yelled. 

I was momentarily frozen because of the dread and him calling out to me. 'Please make him sleep, please please please...I don't wanna go down' I prayed to the god. But my prayers were unanswered as he called for me the second time.

"Come on come on...come out of your hiding Amie. I you you are awake so come down before I loose my patience and come drag you down myself. You know what happens when I loose my patience!" He again yelled out for me in such booming voice that my whole frame shook with fear.  

I hate that nickname! I've hated it since the moment he first called me Amie and the proceeded to share me among the group of filthy pigs he called his friends. Deep terror settled inside me knowing that my mother won't come out of her room, even though she is awake and that I have to go and serve him food.

You all must be thinking that I should be wise and just stay in my room, trust me I have tried that and it ended with him breaking down my door and me with a bruised cheek, a concussion and two fractured ribs, which I had to treat by myself as my mother was too busy banging another man and my older sister Olivia who was out with her disgusting boyfriend.......and still is.

I swallowed my gnawing fear and pushed my covers from over my body with trembling hands and fear rooted deep within me. I quietly tiptoed out of my room, afraid to make any sudden noise.

There he was, spread out on the sofa, a bottle of vodka in his hand, which no doubt he stole from a cheap pub. My skin was crawling with anxiety and fear.

Many questions were going through my mind, like will he hit me? will my mom come save me? maybe he's in a good mood, or maybe....it will all end today.

before I can overthink anymore, the slurred voice of my father reached me.

"Oh there you are. Now come be a good girl and serve your daddy some food" he appeared in front of me and asked in a sickly sweet voice.

 'Stand up for yourself Mia! you have to stand up for yourself or no one else will' I heard my consciousness say this to me. I again ignored it as always.

"Yes dad" I replied and went to move toward the kitchen. He then suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him. He reeks of alcohol and that alone was enough to make me nauseous and want to puke my guts out.

"Where is your mother? banging another one of her playtoys?" sneered dad with anger blazing in his eyes, the same eyes which used to comfort me when I had any nightmares, and now they are the ones responsible for my nightmares.

"No! She is just working late to earn us some  money and to pay for my tution" I lied for the sake of my mother because if my dad knew that she was asleep upstairs, he would go up and start another one of their never ending fighting match. In the end they would both leave the house while banging  the door, leaving shattered glass, broken furniture and torn clothes as the collateral damage of their fight and me to clean up after them.

When they come back from bar and god knows where, they expect the house to be spotlessly cleaned otherwise I get a beating for not obeying them and disrespecting them.

I try to jerk off my hand from his grip,  but the more I struggle the more his grip tightens.

"Listen here Amie, if I know that you are lying and covering for your 'Mommy dearest', I will show you what are the worst things I can do to you........with my friends" He threatens while glaring at me and tightening is hold to the level that my hand has gone numb. The creepy smile on his face while giving me pain causes goosebumps to ripple on my skin.

Tears prickle at the corner of my eyes, blurring my vision, threatening to fall any moment. I turn my face away from his vision, hoping he wouldn't see me on the verge of crying, because to him seeing me cry is one of most entertaining thing in the world.

Suddenly he grabs my jaw, and turns my face towards him "Do. You. Fucking. Understand?!" He harshly asks while pulling me closer.

"Y-yes dad" I stutter. With other people I might be shy and anti-social but I speak clearly. Only my dad is capable of making me so scared that I stutter over my own words. 'Is it ever changing?' I thought to myself.

"Good", He gives me a once over with disgust in his eyes and returns back to the sofa.

I take timid steps towards the kitchen, hoping to quickly give him the food and return to the safety of my room. The only place where I can be myself. The urge to cry is there, just on a leash till I get in my room.

I rummage through the fridge, then cupboard, the shelf, anything....anywhere to find some food to give him. Then suddenly I realized, mom had asked Olivia to bring groceries with some cash, knowing my sister she probably would have spent it on makeup and lingerie to impress her boyfriend of the week.

What do I do now?

A/N. Hey guys, this is my first official story. I am so, so excited to write this. It will be a little rusty in the beginning but it will get better with another chapters. Like, comment and follow me to show your support and if you like my story. See you all in the next chapter. tell me if there are some spelling mistakes

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