37. Not one suspect

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The main song of this chapter is "Treat you better" by Shawn Mendes.

 This song does not relate to this chapter at all, but I couldn't find one so here it is. 


I was grading the papers of yesterday's test for the freshman's, many of them wrote bullshit. I know that as a teacher I should not think negatively about students, that I should encourage them and all, but I just have one question, why take a class in which you have no interest whatsoever and just flunk most of the tests.

I am not those type of teachers who would give you marks based solely on your length and next to nothing knowledge about that particular topic. When I expect answers, I expect them to be written on point, neat handwriting and no nonsense just to fill the page.

For instance I asked what is the use and full form of ATP, a girl named Janice wrote that it's full form is 'Anti- Terrorist Police'.

Like what the hell is that? The subject is Science and they are writing some made up name from Social studies. See my point about them writing utter bullshit?

I was about to check another one of my papers when the door to my office opened, revealing none other but Kelvin Grant. My partner in crime since I started high school.

"How you doing Nemo?", he stuttered in my office with a huge ass smile on his face.  He is what you would call the joker of the group.

Whenever I was sad or angry, he was the one to make terrible PJ's and make me laugh. He is a total goofball, I don't think I have ever seen this man frown, let alone be sad. He once failed in his second semester of sophomore year due to partying for straight three days, yet when he saw a huge F on he paper, he smiled and said 'Did you know that you can fail for partying whole three days? man...'

He took off his blazer and hung it on the back side of the door and then proceeded to flop done on the couch as if he owned it. I narrowed my eyes at him, then the dirt stain now appeared on the side of couch due to his muddy shoes and the papers scattered on the floor which he threw to place his foot on the table.

"Were you never taught how to knock?", I asked in an annoyed tone, 

"Nahhh...she was too busy giving birth to the whole football team", he said while rolling his eyes, I chuckled at that. It was true because he had nine younger and older brother and sisters, all of them he truly adored, not like he would ever say it out loud.

"Anyways, what are you doing here?"

"Can't a man just come to see his bestfriend? You wound me dear brother of mine", he faked hurt. 

"Oh how good of you", I deadpanned while shifting my gaze back to the papers. 

"Okay, okay I was here to deliver a message from my company, you know that our company has developed a new botanic lab which is situated in France, so they suggest that your university conducts a test, on basis of which the top ten students who excels in the class gets to visit our lab, all cost paid by us. It would give them publicity and also a chance for the students interested in botanical study get an internship there in the future", I nodded at that.

He worked as a professor in 'The green's way' company which is widely known for research on plants. They discover new medicines and herbs which can be used in thousands of different ways. If they think that this kind of opportunity should be given then it is a great chancre for the students to discover their path of carrier.

 "That is great actually, it would benefit both you and us. It will give the students a great opportunity. It is perfect plan but why are you telling ME this?", I know that I am the head of the science department, but the permission to allow this kind of agreement is given by the principal.

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