27. Lost in poker

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The main song of this chapter is "People you know" by Selena Gomez


His face turned from blank, to concerned, to confused and at the end bewildered.

I knew that he wanted to know why I refused to call the ambulance, but hospitals and I have had a really bad connection from the start. 


I was in my room, whimpering and choking on my sobs. I was clutching my leg in strong grip, willing for the bleeding to stop. Hot tears were rolling down my face..

My dad took it too far this day. I was in my room studying for my upcoming exams, when I heard him holler my name, calling me to come down. My pencil froze mid sentence. Dread settled within me. It was a normal friday when his friends would come over, they would sniff drugs and watch come cheap porn, then call few of their usual women to come and entertain them, while I sat in my room, careful not to make any sound and annoy them.

But the unusual thing was that he never called me down. By never I mean literally never. So when he did call, I was petrified and paralyzed with fear. My legs refused to move and go downstairs. 

I jerked back in fear when I heard someone pound on my bedroom door. I put my book aside and tiptoed towards my door. I peeked through my door and saw my dad standing there. I slowly opened the door and he pushed it and grabbed my hand, dragging me down.

I fought with all my might, tears leaking from my eyes, yet he continued anyway. Down in the room, I saw about 4 guys, sprawled on the couch, a glass filled with alcohol in their hands, the game of poker layed on the table. 

"I lost in poker, well more like I lost you in the poker so Sam can do whatever he wants with you for...eh 5 minutes", my dad said while all of his friends laughed like pack of hyenas.

I was horror-struck. I knew that my did didn't love me, but I never though he would go this far. The guy Sam stood up and walked towards me, a menacing smile on his face. 

I took one back. He took one forward.

He grabbed a fistful of my hair and bend my head down my scalp stinging painfully, he lifted his knee up banging it in my face. A scream escaped my lips, pain travelled through my eyes to my broken nose, to my lips.

He did it again and again and until. By now my face was numb, unable to feel any pain. He pushed me across the room, my leg colliding with piece of broken glass. A painful cry escaped my lips. Fat and fierce tears of anguish and agony escaped my eyes, while my mouth kept pleading them to stop only to receive mocking laugh in return.

Hearing my sobs and cry my dad looked towards me, only to see me on the verge of passing out due to blood loss. He told one of his friend to take me to the cheap run down hospital near us. 

I did not care about the pain, only about his wandering hand that I tried so hard to keep off of me, while trying to fight in and out of unconsciousness. My head lolled to the side as he drove the car recklessly. After few minutes of torment, we finally reached to clinic. He grabbed me by my waist and dragged me into the clinic.

It was too broken and messy to be called a proper clinic, yet I had to make do.

The guy left and a old and bald guy wearing white scrubs entered. A disgusting smile on his face. My vision was blurry so I could not properly see him. But I remembered what happened clearly. 

How his hands went from my legs, to my waist, them cupped my breasts, removed every piece of my clothing while I was fighting to stay awake from the chemical he injected within me

But there is only so much an 11 year old can do.


I was bought out of the reminders of my past by the excruciating pain in my ribs. Every slight movement or inhale caused them to throb painfully. 

"Listed, you are clearly hurt. So, let's go to a hospital so they can check up on you and give you right treatment", he was clearly frustrated. By the way he was raking his hands through his hair every second, or the ay he was fidgeting with his hands.

"N-no, you are a-a doctor t-too -"

"I am not a doctor", he swiftly interrupted.

"But you k-know enough about it. P-please check up on me. I do not w-wan't to go t-to the hospital", I gasped out through the pain. My ribs felt as if they were on fire, every breath was a painful reminder of those cracked ribs. 

His expression showed conflict and unsureness. Another whimper escaped my lips, he exhaled and nodded his head. A silent determination to himself.

"Okay..umm, will you be able to walk?", he asked tentatively.

I tried standing up, but another pang of pain shot towards my ribs, and a yelp escaped my lips. I was about to loose my footing when he came and held me in place, not tight to hurt me but enough to support.

His eyes showed doubt and second thoughts, but it soon vanished as he grabbed me by my waist and picked me up bridal style. A surprise yelp escaped my lips, if I wasn't in pain right now, I am sure I would be a blushing mess and a swarm of butterflies would be causing havoc in my abdomen. 

He looked straight ahead, not sparing me a glace and carried me towards the door. I placed my hands behind his neck to support myself. I took advantage of this moment and placed my head in the crook of his head, knowing that this is the only chance I am going to be this close to him. 

My thoughts were interrupted when the door opened, revealing none other but Mr. Hernandez. 

Uhh Oh!

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