40. Us but no one else

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The main song of this chapter is "End of the beginning" by Djo.


I wasn't angry, anxious or annoyed. Simply irritated by the idea of going to a dinner on my father's house which I oh so desperately tried to avoid for the past week.

I would much rather manage the account of our school than attend some rich gathering at his house, where fake pleasantries and smile would be exchanged, hiding the disdain against each other under the cloak of merry disguise.

When I was younger I used to tolerate them by fooling around with the spoiled daughters of businessman my father used to deal with, but that was when I did not know what kind of disgusting and greedy monster lurked behind their prim proper expensive Armani's and Tom Ford's. 

The food would be made just to impress the investor, most of it would be dumped untouched, the air would be floating with gossips of housewives, while their husbands would fill their bellies with free liquor.

Alejandro Hernandez was a wolf in the sheep's clothing. One moment he would be smiling and talking with you as if you were old acquaintances but the next he would be plotting a plan to take down your whole empire. I learned it the hard way.

I was merely 19 when I caught him cheating, 20 when he pleaded me not to tell my mother about the whore warming his bed for the past one year claiming that he still loved my mother dearest, 21 when he cheated on her yet again with another one of his business partner. 

That was the limit for me. I went up to my mother and confessed her what he did. What he has been doing behind her back for the past 3 years. 

 Esmeralda Hernandez was a kind and pure hearted woman. She cried and cried the day I told her about his husband's business rendezvous. At first she was in disbelief, then came the denial, utter sadness and heart wrenching cries were next and at last came anger covering the mast of a sad and grieving woman who was still trying to put the pieces of her heart together from her failed together.

I held her in my arms as she sobbed at night. When the nightmares of me abandoning her same as my father kept her up at night, she would cry silently in her pillow thinking that I didn't hear her but I did. And every single night I would wake up and crawl into her bed, hugging her tight and assuring her that I would never leave her as my traitorous father did. 

I did it until she stopped crying for him and started building her crumbled life. I was there with her on every step of the day as she found her passion as a florist and I bought her a large nursery which she takes care of everyday.

That was when I started loathing my father. I still do. And I will till my last breath. 

I sighed and rubbed a hand over my face. God why can't I just dump it all and remain at home with Bruno my dog, with a glass of red wine in one and remote in another, feet planted on the coffee table while watching 'Law & Order'.

Yeah, nice thoughts. 

I was huddled up in my office, piles of paperwork were mounted on my desk, the resumes of new hires, account management of staff, bill to renovate the furniture and stuff and whatnot.

I rubbed my forehead as I could feel an oncoming headache forming inside. When I said that I would prefer paperwork over my father's party was true, however the paperwork itself was so mind-numbing sometimes that my father's gathering seemed to be a little less boring.

Moments like these made me rethink my decision of not hiring an assistance till now, a lot of work would be reduced and these frequent staybacks to complete the work would become a little less frequent.

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