73. Someone you know

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The main song of this chapter is "End of beginning" by Djo.


"For the hundredth time Leah....he will call back! Just trust me you'll be fine-wait, isn't that a song."

"My goodness Riri....how much longer must we wait? It has been over a day since we have called your cousin. Is he that busy man?", I asked frustrated. Last night I had skipped dinner and Aurora being the great friend she is, decided to get some food from downstairs into the room. While getting the food, she bumped into Aaron and of course immediately, she told him what happened. 

Rest assured, we spent the entire night planning what to do and how to proceed. It was now 7 in the morning and by the looks of it, neither of us had any plans of going to breakfast anytime soon. "I love you both but I love my food more. Lets goo....I am hungry!" Looks like I spoke too soon. Aurora sent a glare towards a whining Aaron, who simply shrugged his shoulders and continued watching reels. 

"I swear to the all might god residing above, that one more word from your mouth and I promise you that you are never, I mean never touching the cookies from my grandma's house.", Aurora pointed out and narrowed her eyes at the pouting Aaron.

A gasp escaped the said man's mouth, eyes wide agape and hand on his chest. "Y-you can't be s-serious Rora.", He was shaking his head in disbelief. 

"Ohhh...try me. One more word about food and no choco chips cookies for you.", Aurora sent the meanest smile Aaron's way. His mouth opened and closed like a fish out of the water while I tried not to laugh at their comical exchange. 

"And when I'm back in Chicago, I feel it

Another version of me, I was in it
I wave goodbye to the end of beginning-"

The sound of Riri's phone pierced through the air. Without a second thought I lunged for the phone, my heart papillating with the possibility of it being her brother, the one person who was capable of unveiling the true identity of my stalker. 

"Calm your tits woman...", She shook her head and peered over my shoulder to see who it was. A smile broke out of my face after watching that it was none other but his brother calling her. I passed her the phone and she answered it with a pleasant grin on her face.

Both me and Aaron look4ed at her as she fondly picked up the phone and pressed it against her ears. "Hey Dan."

We couldn't hear what he replied but whatever it was made a laugh bubble out oh her. "Goshh I am too old to be called that.", she rolled her eyes with a smile intact on her lips. 

A few minutes she caught up on what he was saying and she gave him a run over about how her life was going on now. "Aurora...I. Am. Hungry!", Aaron whisper yelled, a glare on his face as he impatiently waited for Aurora to get on topic why we called him. She looked at him with a deadpan expression but it soon turned into one of horror, "No no no....he is not my boyfriend. No way...he is just a friend. Yes..yes...I know. What? He has a girlfriend...", she squinted her eyes and her mouth was gaped open "No...he is not cheating. Oh my god, Dan...just stop.", her face was red with what I presumed to be embarrassment. Meanwhile Aaron was looking at her with shock. 

"Get to the point.", I mouthed top her. Her mouth formed an 'O' as she quickly stopped her rant about her upcoming essay and placed the phone on speaker. "Hey dan...there is something I wanted your help with.", her voice turned from playful and joyous to serious. Dan, his brother must have sensed it as he worriedly asked. "Hey hey...what happened Rory? Are you fine? Is someone bothering you? Tell me and I will make sure he is placed behind those filthy cells or-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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