28. Killed someone's cat

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The main song of this chapter is "Daylight" by David Kushner.


I was staring wide eyes at Mr. Hernandez but his face looked as calm as ever, though a hint of curiousness lingered in his eyes. 

"What are you doing Nicholas?", he asked in a monotonous voice. His eyes roamed each and every cervical of my body, then zooming on my face which was no doubt red from all the crying and my eyes puffy.

Mr. Rizzo did not answer him right away, after a moment he said "She injured herself badly. I am taking her to my office to cke check up on her".

Mr. Hernandez's  eyes showed something....something which I couldn't quite comprehend. He looked over at me, looking for the injury, but I was too shy to tell him where exactly it was considering he would have to pull up my shirt to look at it.

"Where?", was all he said. This question was not directed to me, but rather Mr. Rizzo.

"Ribs", his chest rumbled as he spoke in that deep alluring voice. They both looked at each other, into the eyes and nodded at the same time, as if they decided and talked through telekinesis. Mr. Rizzo looked down at me, his eyes zoning on my face, then a feather like touch was felt upon my cheeks, his fingers barely gazed my skin but it was enough to set it on fire.

"Take her to my office, that way it would be more private", said Mr. Hernandez, his eyes glaring daggers at Mr. Rizzo's hand still on my face. Maybe it was just me who took Mr. Hernandez's suggestion in a wrong way because I felt even more hotter than before, if that was even possible.

Mr. Rizzo looked up and followed Mr. Hernandez out of the class, they went out and took me to the office as if they were the king of this kingdom, not afraid of any consequences or anyone looking at us, maybe they were the king, not literally but still. 

They way they were not afraid of anyone, always maintaining a perfect stance, their appearance showing dominance and demanding respect from everyone else. They were the diamond while I was the coal, they were the shining sun while I was the pluto, They were the vast ocean of water while I was the drop of oil......we are together, but out paths would never cross. Never.

It was even foolish of me to think that they would have any kind of interest in me whatsoever. They had many girls fawning after them, gorgeous models and actresses were ready to throw themselves at them, which actually did happen in last year's new year party according to the articles.

'Yes, I did stalk him'.

3rd person POV

Amelia shook her head to clear those negative more like real thoughts and looked forward. They reached the door of Mr. Hernandez's office, he dialed the number on the digital lock while Amelia averted her eyes to maintain some privacy, and Mr. Rizzo? Nicholas just stared at the older man put in the password. "101010? So original", he muttered sarcastically, while rolling his eyes.

The blue eyes sharply cut towards him, making him freeze in his spot "Careful", was all he said but the meaning of it was clear as a day to Nicholas. 

He stopped for a second, his eyes staring into those blue ones, neither of them backed down, after all both of them were dominants, one didn't know it yet and the other? Oh he had gone down this road a long time ago, at the age of 25 he had discovered his desires and pleasures quite well enough but that did not mean he practiced them, atleast not currently. 

It was Nicholas who broke the eye contact first. Amelia watched the scene unfold from the security of Nicholas's arms. She knew that between them both Mr. Hernandez was the one who was more authoritative, both figuratively and objectively. 

While she has seem Mr. Rizzo crack a smile or two, small but still smile nonetheless, she has never seen Mr. Hernandez smile or even have any other expression except for a Frown, Confusion rarely and Anger. You could say that she was secretly wishing to see him smile sometime, the way his cold blue eyes would be filled with warmth, the way all the frown lines will be erased and replaced with a dimpled smile which appears when he talks. 

She once again shook those impossible thoughts away, all of a sudden she hissed in pain, catching the attention of both the men. Her ribs were paining even more painfully if that was even possible. It felt as if a bone was punchuring and poking her lungs, constricting her from breathing evenly.

Tears once again formed into her eyes, she bit the inside of her cheeks to stop from crying out loud. 'Did I kill someone's cat in my past life?', she thought miserably to herself. 

Something tugged inside both the men's heart. Something which was very similar to protectiveness and the urge to comfort her and shield her from all the bad things going on in the world grew second by second.  A growl ripped from Ezra throat, it was not heard by Amelia but it didn't go unnoticed by Nicholas.

Ezra quickly opened the door of his office, and locked it behind them after ushering them on the nearby couch. Nicholas laid Amelia on the brown leather couch, making sure not to hurt her. 

Those tiny whimpers and drops of tears escaping broke their heart, it emitted emotions within them that they could not comprehend now; they were too complicated to be there.

Ezra went and opened a cabinet, taking out the medical box from it. He gave it to Nicholas, composing himself and standing beside him looming over Amelia.

Nicholas looked into her eyes, "Can I touch your chest? To know if they are broken or just sprained", Amelia just nodded, not bring able to get the words out through her pain.

He took a deep breath, and then placed his hands on her chest not completely but just a graze. A scream escaped her lips with tears rolling down her cheeks.

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