22. The dinner from hell

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The main song of this chapter is "Unholy" by Sam Smith.


I could hear the drumming of my heart against my chest.

The beat of my pulse.

The skip of my heart beat as Mr. Hernandez tucked a strand of my hair behind my ears.

Their close proximity was doing things to me, things which were wrong in this situation.

My breath was coming out in short puffs, my mouth went dry due to closeness. The heat from his palm seeping into my bones through my clothes.

They had to get away from me, If someone found us in this situation, I am sure there would be a lot of explaining to do, along with getting fired for doing something with your student.

I wanted then to get away from me because another second near them I may loose my common sense.

I needed them to get away for my own sanity.

They were both still looking at me with an expression that was hard to decipher, but I knew that it was not right.

With that I slipped away from their grasp, aiming towards the exit of this small space, trying to get away from them but failing as someone caught my wrist and tugged my towards them.

It was Mr. Rizzo who had pulled me, I stumbled and collided with his chest. My palm directly over this thudding heart. I could feel it beating as calmly as before while mine went into an overdrive.

I was face to face with him when a specific someone came from behind and put his hands on my waist.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

I was trapped in between them both, their smell was intoxicating.

Fresh like a morning breeze.

Soothing like sandalwood.

Spicy like peppermint.

Earthy like forest.

The were like a whiff of oxygen after a panic attack. The one which you breath in many times but it's just never enough.

I once again opened my mouth to say something but again nothing came out.

My mind was totally blank.

Mr. Rizzo opened his mouth to say something when clinks of heel were heard. None of us knew who it was but it didn't matter cause they could still get us in trouble.

The sound was now a lot closer. We quickly detached our selves from each other and I snuck into the women's bathroom.

"Hey, you both were taking so long so we thought that we should come and check if you guys are okay", I heard a female voice say.

I didn't recognise the voice but it didn't take a genius to figure out who it was. It was either Freya or the other one.

I took a deep breath and pretended to enter just now. When I reached near them, both the men's faces were passive, while Freya's face now contorted into one of anger. The other woman just kept on staring without saying a word.

She looked from Freya to me, connecting the dots and figuring that we knew each other. Which we did not, yet she seems to dislike me for some reason.

I was starting to think that she was better than Freya but it was proved wrong the second she opened her mouth. "You know this bitch?", 

"Yeah, she's the slut who stares at Nicholas everytime", Freys replied while her eyes stared into mine, filled with hatred and disgust.

Though her voice was low as she whispered this into Freya's ear but due to the area being quite it was clear to hear.

My face turned red with humiliation, head downcast while my eyes were prickling with unshed tears. 'What would they think of me now?', was the only thought going around in my mind.

I dug my nails into my palm and bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from bursting into tears this instant.

If calling me bitch and a slut in front of them wasn't embarrassing enough, crying sure would be.

I quickly slipped past them walked towards my seat, not lingering long enough to listen if anyone corrected her cause let's face the facts, I was no one to them while she was their friend and Mr. Hernandez's 'maybe' girlfriend.

I kept walking, trying not to clash into a waiter and ruin their day.

Metallic taste of blood filled my mouth from how hard I bit it, I opened my first only to realise that I now had dark purple crescent shaped marks in them due to clenching them so hard.

As I returned to my seat, the food was almost over and desert was about to be served. I slipped on a fake smile on my face, not wanting everyone to suspect something and worry over nothing.

'It wasn't just nothing'

But one thing I was sure of, 'This is a dinner from hell.'

Third person POV

To say that both the man were furious would be an understatement, they were going to defend her in front of them but she left before they could say anything else. Now they were even more angry because she would think that they never said anything in her honour.

Though Mr. Rizzo was angry, there was a feeling deep inside of him, which made him feel great that Amelia was looking at him just as he was looking at her when she wasn't looking. That little selfish part of her was grateful to know this piece of information but the bigger par of him was ready to rein hell on the person who dare call her 'slut'

she was innocent, even more so than a saint or an angel. Cause in his eyes, she was the ray of light which shone oh so brightly in his dark and dull soul. Igniting feelings which he long ago buried. His attention turned towards Ezra, only to see him on the verge to explode with anger.

Mr. Hernandez took a step closer to her. She took one back. 

Another closer. Another back.

This continued until she was trapped between the wall and the very much angry looking Ezra.

"How dare you call her bitch?", he whispered in her ears, his voice was calm, the calm which was present before a terrific storm. His eyes vexed, staring straight into hers, making her regret those four words she uttered, while Freys was worried about her own fate.

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