48. The rain and us

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The main song of this chapter is "Somebody to you" by The Vamps.

3rd person POV.

The rain was heavily pouring down.

Drops of water sliding down the window, a dark atmosphere was lurking outside. 

The occasional sound of the thunder and lightning was in the rather quiet classroom.

Amelia sat in her chair in front of Nicholas, obediently solving all the questions not wanting a repeat of last time. Nicholas sat in front of her, the clicking of keyboard heard in a rapid speed.

At question 15 Amelia momentarily stopped, pencil frozen, thinking about the answer. Even after constant clicking of pen, drumming of fingers, shaking of legs didn't bring her the answer, she brought some courage and called out in a tentative voice. "Sir?"

"Yes, Ms. Blackwood?", he questioned removing his eyes from the laptop.

"Umm..I have a doubt in this"

"Whose question is this?"

"Biology", a faint blush crawled up her cheeks after remembering her last experience for being curious about human anatomy. 

Perhaps Nicholas was too thinking the same thing as he allowed a tiny smirk to crawl up his cheeks, an act which send tingles down Amelia's spine.

"Very well, what is the question?"

"I can't find the functions of hindbrain", she said wriggling her hands under her desk.

"Hmm..look there are 3 types of brain, Hindbrain is one of them . When you sleep do you have any control over your breathing? Or when you are awake? What about your motor activity? The answer is no. Because the simple tasks like being awake, getting drowsy or sleeping, the inhale and exhale of breathing is done by the Hindbrain. Do you get it now?", he explained while showing her various images of it through his computer. The way he explained and demonstrated made this all very essay. 

Before she could answer him, his phone ringed. He held up his finger signaling her to give him a minute. She nodded and started working on other problems.

She was hearing bits and pieces of his conversation.

"Yes Mr. Kirkup-?"

"Yeah I have those back at my house-"

"What? You need those now-?"

"I don't have to e-mail them to you? Then who-?"

"Ohh...to Mr. Hernandez-"

"Yeah okay. Give me 2 hours and I'll send them to you. Okay bye."

"Okay, so there are some changes in plan. I have to go home and then e-mail some papers. So instead of going home and then coming back home we could just continue those sessions at my home. That is if you are okay with it. If not then I have no choice but to reschedule it for tomorrow", he voiced out while packing his things.

"Yeah I would like to come, if that doesn't inconvenience you sir"

"Why would I be asking you if that inconvenienced me?", he questioned with slight humour in his voice, though his face remained emotionless.

"Yeah sorry..."

"Don't be. Just pack up your stuff and come"

With a nod she started putting her books in her bag, once they were both packed he switched the lights off and made their way towards the parking lot.

The rain was pouring harshly and loudly. The sky had visibly darkened in spite of it being only 5. She walked behind him, admiring the muscles which were bulging and flexing with his each step. She had practically sprint to catch up with him. With his 6'3 height and her being only 5'4, his one step was like her 4.

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