56. He is quite attractive

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The main song of this chapter is "As it was" by Harry Styles.

3rd person POV.

The students sat in the class, anxiously waiting for the test to happen. Some were biting their nails in worry while the others who had no interest in going on this trip, talked and laughed with their friends who probably had the same mindset.

Amelia sat in the middle row, cool as a cucumber. She knew that the test would be conducted from all the chapters taught of biology as the place they were meant to visit was a botanical factory. She was confident that she would pass the test with flying colours.

Afterall it was physics that worried her, not bio.

The door opened and in came Mr. Kirkup, another fellow of science department. Though he was older then Nicholas, he was no means in a higher position than the young achiever.

"Hey loser, it will be fun watching you fail", a girl whispered wickedly in Amelia's ear. She didn't need to turn around to know who it was, Gabriella. From the first day of university she has teased her. Not necessarily much but enough to make Amelia to think over what she did to make her this hateful towards her.

She timidly turned her head towards Gabriella, finding her much close than she had anticipated. "I am not gonna fail", she muttered, fiddling with the hem of her skirt. When she saw what she was doing, she internally shook her head and said in a much confident voice. "I am not gonna fail, your delusional thoughts do nothing but amuse me", Amelia heard Gabriella's friend snicker quietly and she turned her face in front, a small victorious gracing her lips. Gabriella hissed from behind her but left her alone for now.

Their seats were arranged based on their last names, not their first ones otherwise she would have been placed somewhere near Aurora and Aaron, the three people with A's

"Okay students. Take out your pen and pencils from your bag and leave the rest in it. Place your bags near the foot of your table after taking all the required items. Anyone found cheating? Out of the class and paper disqualified. Whispering with your friends? You and your friend both out. Am I clear?", said the balding men as he paced near his desk, hands folded behind him in a stern manner. 

The class nodded and some choroused with a yes. The teacher had a pleasing look on his face as he took the bunch of papers and started distributing them. Amelia looked over her paper and quickly summarized that it was a piece of cake. All the questions and topics are the ones she had already gone over with Mr. Rizzo. Plus she studied till three last night to achieve good grades. 

There was just something inside her which did not want to disappoint Mr. Rizzo by getting bag grades and make his efforts and time spent futile and in vain. She wanted him to be proud of her. He wanted her to give one of those bright and pleased smile of his which made her stomach flip every time. She wanted to see the pride and admiration shine in his eyes which did everytime she would do something good. She wanted to make him happy.

She picked up her pen and started working on the answer.

In the principal's office a whole different thing was going on. Ezra was sitting in his usual chair, and in front of him, sitting on another chair with his feet propped up on the couch sat Nicholas. The italian man was lazily sitting on the chair, hands intertwined together, humming some song under his breath while Ezra drilled holes on the side of his face by glaring hard.

Nicholas must have felt the weight of his stare as he looked over him, raising a questioning brow at his glare. Ezra simply looked at him, then his feet still planted on the once dust free table, now having particles of dust scattered and then back at his face. 

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