31. Smiling like crazy for

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The main song of this chapter is "Diamonds" by Rihanna.


We stayed in each other's embrace until Coco calmed down and I felt the pain returning. But of course I didn't say it out loud.

She unwrapped her arms and sat in front of me, her arms crossed against her chest, a stern and majorly concerned expressing adoring her face.

"What happened-"

"How did I-", both of us started at the same time. We chuckled at that, her face now slightly relaxing.

"You go fir-"

"Okay you say it-"

Again we did it. Not the look of stress was gone from her face as a giggle erupted from my mouth. I nodded my head at her, indicating for her to speak up first. 

"I got a call from the college office, saying that my roommate fell, bruised herself and is now consciousness. Do you even know how worried I was?! I ran and got a cab as fast as I could. When I got there I got to know that you named me as your emergency contact. Okay not to go off the topic but that literally brought tears in my eyes to know that you trusted me so much to do that. So I went there only to find you all blacked out in the INFIRMARY! Did I mention that I legit worried about you stupid ass? and.....what the fuck are you smiling like crazy for"

Her face was scrunched up in confusion and a hint of bewilderment remained there. I just sat there smiling softly at her. She did not know that how much her words meant to me. She did not know that her feelings of concern towards me were so pure and new that my heart swelled with love inside my chest. The concern which was never showed towards me. The one which was unfamiliar but very much desired. 

Without another word I brought her into another one of our hugs. A tight and warm one. The one which spoke the words of gratefulness without actually speaking them. When we pulled apart both of us had a relaxed and peaceful expression on out face.

After explaining to her about what happened, removing the part where I got hurt before hand but decided to not say it, and the one where they carried me bridal style to their office to checkup on me, she had a look of understanding on her face.

After everything I still had a nagging question at the back of my mind. How did I get in the infirmary? I mean ofcourse they both had taken me there but would they risk people seeing them leave with being carried bruised and unconscious? 

"Did Mr. Rizzo say anything about my ribs? Did he give you the diagnostics?" I really wanted to know the real extent of my injuries. If they are broken or not. 

"Mr. Rizzo? Why would he be there?", I looked over at her muddles expression. What? Did he not check up on me? Maybe he left before Coco reached there, you know to avoid rumours and all.

"Nothing, I just thought that it was after his class I fell unconscious so maybe he saw me", I lied.

She nodded, then suddenly the door smashed open, revealing a dark silhouette of a man. Both of us screamed and scooted closer towards the headboard, getting as far away from the shadow man. Another yelp escaped from us as the silhouette moved closer. 

"Goshh....stop screaming you scaredy cats!", exclaimed a familiar voice. I squinted my eyes, trying to make out his face. A light was turned on in the room, I shut off my lids, the bright lights sensitive to my eyes.

After blinking a few times, I saw that it was none other but Aarom who came inside the room. A sigh of relief escaped our lips, relieved that it was Aaron, not some creepy chainsaw murderer. I shuddered at that thought. 

Coco threw a pillow at his face, but he dodged it by squatting down, but then another pillow came and landed straight on his face.

"Oww...that hurt", he said pointing a finger at Coco.

"Oww...that hurt", she mimicked him, earning a pillow thrown in her face from Aaron. I laughed at that, and yeah you guessed it, a pillow as now thrown on my face!

"Hey, I am the injured one, you can't pull me into your stupid pillow fight", I said in a playfully accusing tone. That earned me another pillow. Both of them chuckled at that, while I tried not to smile but ultimately failed.

They were bickering about whose aim is better and whose not. but then Aaron said that "Mine's better, cause I managed to aim it straight to your heart and you mine". She totally melted at that, he took her in his arms and kissed her.

I turned my face away from them cause it felt like I was intruding on in a private moment. I managed to get up from the bed and twisted around them to get out of the room. I opened the door and closed it behind me, the sound of their groans and moans coming muffled out of the room.

I went towards the balcony, our floo being on the 4th floor, gave us a nice view of the night time. I closed my eyes and basked in the moment, the chilly air blowing through the city, the chirping and humming of the nightingale was melodious and calming, the soft breeze blowing through me hair. The stars were blinking brightly above, only few were visible but they too were pretty.

My phone buzzed in my hand, indicating that I have a message. Who would message me at this time? The only people who had my number were Coco, Aaron and Aurora. Seeing as Aaron and Coco were busy, it much be Aurora. Maybe to see how I was after hearing about the incident from Coco.

I unlocked my phone and opened the messenger.

Unknown: How r ur ribs?.

It was an unknown number, but I decided to reply anyway. Maybe it was someone from college.

Me: Fine, but may I ask who are you?

Unknown: I enjoyed breaking them before, along with ur naive mind.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

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