64. The fear of heights

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The main song of this chapter is "Under the influence" by Chris Brown.

3rd person POV.

Nicholas was sitting beside a grinning Ezra, who couldn't keep the damned smile off of his face.

They had been boarded on the flight just a few minutes ago. His erection had thankfully been settled down, the reason? The awfully weird and disgusting stories narrated by Ezra.

When they had been seated in the waiting room, Ezra was having the best time of his life teasing the hell out of Nicholas.

His stories went from how he caught his aunt getting an orgasam by their dog getting down on her and then proceed to divorce his uncle as he caught his wife and the dog doing the deed, or how he once caught Mr. Douglas eating a booger out of his nose. Can't forget the part where he saw some guy's boxers getting caught in a metro.

It was safe to say that after two or three stories, his dick had settled down. How couldn't it after hearing such god awfully narrated stories? Nicholas was sure that half of them were just a made up, but he couldn't help thinking how he had seen such different side of Ezra.

For him, Ezra had always been a strict and prim proper guy, the one who would smile once in a red moon, who would secretly laugh watching some crime documentary as the killer directs his victims body parts. Hey, don't judge him. To each to their own. Right?

The teachers had their seats in the first class while the students got economy. Not even business. Many murmured about how unfair it was but none had the courage to face the all mighty Ezra Hernandez.

He was infamous around the campus for snapping at people and bring a strict mentor, making him quite unapproachable in their eyes. But did he care? Not in the least, after all it was Amelia he cared about. Others were just his mere responsibility.

The two sat, engrossed in their work sitting beside each other. Both of them were focused entirely on their work, silence surrounding them. The plane had yet to lift, many passanger came and sat on their seats.

In the economy class, sat Amelia with her two closets of friends; Aaron and Aurora. The students had been placed according to their first names, and never had she been more thankful to her mother for naming her with letter A. Imagine what would have happened if her name was Daisy. She would have to sit beside the creepy guy dustin, away from both her friends for the 12 hour ride. She shuddered at her thoughts and refocused her attention on the two idiots now bickering beside her.

She sat in the middle seat, Aaron on the seat near the Isle and Aurora on the window seat.


"I am telling you, vampire diaries is better than the originals", Aurora huffed out in frustration. Since the time we had been boarded on the flight, both of them had been going on about which show was better.

Aaron scowled. "What the hell? The originals is wayyy... better. Like the whole background story about the original family of vampires is better than some supernatural shit happening in the town."

This went back and forth until the air hostess came and instructed us to tie our seatbelts, as the flight was about to take off. "Damon is the better, hotter and fun brother. Stefan has the personality of a wet mop."

Aurora grasped loudly, offended that Aaron decided to bad mouth about her favourite character. "Take. that. Back!" She leaned over her seat and states directly into Aaron's eyes, a deadly glare on her face.

"Uh huh...make me. Domon is better. Damon is better...", Aaron sing sung, making Aurora even more riled up.

"Guys, someone take my seat and stop arguing from over me." I looked at them both, none of them were ready to give up. Exhaling an annoyed breath, I took Aaron's headphones, fed up with their constant argument and was about to plug them in when Aaron stopped me. "Okay geez. Don't tune us out. We'll stop."

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