63. Erection the size of Asia

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The main song of this chapter is "Two dumb kids" by Levent Geiger.

3rd person POV.

The more Samantha kneeled before Nicholas, the more his temper rised. His eyes were in the other direction, looking anywhere but her naked body which disgusted him to his core.

He doesn't want to see anyone's body but Amelia's. Any sane man would have gotten hard after watching boobs shoved in front of his face by a woman. But was Nicholas sane? No. He was crazy and mad over Amelia.

"Just look at me...please. I am much better than Amelia-", Samantha pleaded, her knees growing weak due to sitting on them but her resolve to attain Nicholas much stronger than that.

"Don't take her name from your vile mouth. Another bad thing about her and say goodbye to your job. And yes, that is a promise.", his threat was as real as his loyalty towards Amelia...and perhaps Ezra.

"You don't mean that, do you?", Samantha was still in denial. She couldn't make her mind understand the fact that Nicholas didn't want her.

In all her life, she had everything she ever wanted, every men she laid her eyes on became hers. Never had she not gotten what she wanted. Luxury was all she had experienced since she was a babe.

A day before her 11th birthday, a girl she didn't like threw a big party. Bigger than hers. She made her parents throw another party, renting a chateau, a 6ft huge cake, whole house filled with everything anyone wanted and an arrangement to stay the night too. All expenses paid of course.

She never had to compete with anyone for more attention or money. But with Amelia it was a whole other case. She has more money than that charity girl. Good looks. Closer to his age. Everything a guy could ask for.

She was the perfect girl with big boobs. Clear skin. Blonde hair. Hazel eyes. Tall height and picture perfect figure. What more could a guy want?

"Ohh you think I am bluffing? Go ahead and just try saying her name. Then see if you have your dignity left, much less your pathetic job.", Nicholas seethed. He has no problem whatsoever keeping his eyes on her face, afterall he had the interest of a lion's interest towards vegetables, in watching her naked body.

She rose to her feet, not caring that she was nude and palmed his crotch. Before her hand could fully cup him, his hand shot out and grabbed her hand for the third time and this time his grip wasn't in any sense loose.

His long and strong fingers clawed her wrist and squeezed the life out of them, keeping his raging eyes on her. A whimper of pain left Samantha's mouth, eyes stinging with tears from how tight he was holding her, no doubt leaving a bruise after he was done with her.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?", his voice was deadly calm in irony to the storm raging inside him.

Samantha's eyes widened at how terrifying and dangerous Nicholas looked. Never had she ever seen someone look this angry at her. Not even when she burned her mother's whole closet filled with expensive dresses on a whim for not getting a designer purse. No, this level of anger was new for her and utterly scaring.

"Answer me you bi- answer me Ms. Forbes or god help me, losing your job will be the least of your worries.", he was fuming, a vein throbbing on his forehead which would have been damn attractive if Samantha wasn't on the verge of passing out due to mind splitting fear.

"I was t-touching you. M-making you forget Ame- I mean that s-student of y-yours.", she was stuttering. And she never does that. Never had she lost her ability to speak damn clearly but this man was capable of doing that. Making her scared shirtless that she was left a stuttering mess in front of him and naked at that.

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