66. Is Mia jealous?

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The main song of this chapter is "Senorita" by Shawn mendes and Camila Cabello.

3rd person POV.

The washroom was filled with the sound of their harsh breaths, pants and gasps escaping every now and then. Ezra was feeling heaven. Literal heaven with his mouth moving against Amelia, hand on her soft and small waist and the other holding her by the nape of her neck, bringing her impossibly closer.

This kiss was much more gentler and filled with adoration. Unlike their first kiss, this was slow and steady, as if it was to show Amelia that how much he cared about her, pouring all his concern, care and affection in one kiss.

Amelia was having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that he was actually kissing her, not out of pity but because he actually wanted to. Her hands were placed on his shoulder, other tangled in his soft and thick hair, playing with the hair on the nape of his neck, just like last time.

And just like last time, this action of Amelia, attained a groan of pleasure out of Ezra's mouth. The sound which made Amelia's thighs clench with deep arousal but the moments were restricted as he was standing between her legs.

She felt him smirk against her mouth at this action of her, making her face go red in flames. After many minutes of ravaging each other's mouths, they both pulled away from each other due to the need to inhale in oxygen. Their mouth separated from each other by an inch, a string of saliva coating their lips and connecting their mouth. 

Erza cupped her jaw and pecked her lips.

Once, Twice. Thrice. 

Until a huge grin formed on her face, him mirroring it. 

"You have a beautiful smile.", those words escaped Amelia's mouth before she had time to think about them. Erza was frozen in his spot, his smile growing and a red fade tint now covering his cheeks. His eyes widened in disbelief and so did his smile as Amelia ran her fingers over his cheeks. 

She would never have done or say it if she was in her right mind. But she wasn't. It must be cocaine or marijuana; his kisses. As they made her feel the unexplainable high and loose all her senses. 

"So are you amore...so are you.", Ezra replied in a trance. Before him was the angel who he yearned to touch and kiss since he saw her and now that he did, his mind refused to believe that it was real, passing it as an extended dream or one of his fantasies. Not reality. Never reality.

Ezra's phone pinged, bursting the bubble of haze he was in. He huffed out a breath and decided to ignore him. Then came another text and another and another. "Pick it up, it must be important."

He exhaled deep and took out his phone, the smile refused to not leave his face. 

Nicholas: Quit kissing her and get back here you dumbass. It's been 20 minutes.

Nicholas: Don't you bear ignore me

Nicholas: Fear*

Nicholas: Near*

Nicholas: Bloody autocorrect. DON'T YOU FUCKING CARE IGNORE ME!

Nicholas: Fucking autocorrect. Fuck it.

Ezra let out an amused huff, enjoying that how simple autocorrect mistake riled him up and also at how much he cursed. Era could swear that no sentence said to him has been without any kind of curse word. Whether it be small or big. Though a thought nagged him that how does he know that Ezra was kissing Amelia in the washroom, he decided to brush it aside for now and ask him when he gets back to his seat.

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